Page 20 of Rialta

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“I know who she is—she’s my wife. And I love her.”

Beckett nods sadly. “And Ri is my wife. And Rialta and Andrea took her. They kidnapped her—using her as a hostage in case we were to fuck with their plans.”

Beckett pauses. “You fell in love with the devil. And you’re going to have to face the consequences, but I’m not going to let her destroy my family.”

Chapter 8


Lennox doesn’t respond or react to Beckett’s words. He just walks through the open door, still carrying me bride style, even though I know he’s hurting. I’m rubbing against raw wounds on his chest, and he’s still naked. He’s still detoxing from the drugs in his system, still dealing with being violated himself.

He should be passed out and high on painkillers right now while a doctor tends to him, not carrying me. Still, he struts down the hallway as if he had the strength to run a marathon with me in his arms.

We meet Hayes and Gage at the end of the hallway, and they stare at us in surprise. But I see no softness in either of their gazes. They both think I’m a monster, and I am.

“Move,” Lennox says firmly, barking the order to them.

But neither of them step aside.

“I’m taking her somewhere safe, and there’s nothing either of you can do. Now move if you want to live,” Lennox growls.

Gage bites his bottom lip, holding back words. He turns to Hayes instead. “I’m going back to doing surveillance on Andrea so we can make a plan to get Ri back.”

And then Gage leaves us. Hayes stays, looking at us both with tenderness. He’s the one with the heart. But I can see that although he and I used to be great friends, his friendship with Ri far outranks me. He’s seen my true colors. He knows who I am now. If Beckett hadn’t wanted to torture me himself, Hayes would have done it.

“This apartment is safe,” Hayes says with the calming voice of a hostage negotiator.

“It’s not safe. Beckett tried to kill my wife. Gage wants to kill her too. And you —”

“Don’t want to kill anyone,” Hayes says.

“I don’t believe you.”

Hayes steps aside and motions to the other side of the apartment. “Pick any room over there and stay as long as you need. I’ll personally stand guard in the hallway to ensure no harm comes to her.”

His eyes flick to mine, and to his credit, he hides his disgust with me well. But I know the truth—he hates me. They all do, and with good reason.

“No—” Lennox starts.

“You don’t have a choice but to accept my offer. You don’t have the strength to find another place to stay. Andrea will come for her, and he’ll succeed.”

Lennox opens his mouth but stops.

“I’m a man of my word. I don’t like Rialta very much at the moment, but I respect that you need to find out the truth for yourself, Lennox. She’s your wife, and you need to come to your own conclusion about what you do with her. And Rialta is strong, so no amount of torture is going to get her to tell us where Ri is. Our only hope of getting Ri back is to keep Rialta alive and make a trade with Andrea. You won’t be willing to do that until you two have it out.”

Hayes glares at me, and I at him.

Lennox doesn’t say anything as he carries me down the hallway to the farthest room. He flicks the light on, slams the door shut behind us, and then turns the lock.

We stare at the room. A small queen bed, a bedside table, and a heavy dresser are the only items in the room. There’s nothing on the wall, making it feel cold and small, despite the ensuite bathroom.

Lennox doesn’t put me down as he walks to the dresser and begins pushing it with his back.

He hisses as the wood hits his open wounds, but I don’t say anything. He’s a stubborn ass. Me telling him to let me help him won’t make a difference. Eventually, he aligns the dresser in front of the door.

It’s not much protection, but it would bide us time if someone tried to enter.

Then Lennox carries me to the bathroom, still never putting me down despite the pain he must be in. I wonder if he thinks I’ll run if he puts me down? Or if I’ll say something that will make him truly hate me? Something that will make him realize that our marriage is over?
