Page 33 of Rialta

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Hayes frowns but doesn’t say anything. I hope he heeds my warning because the only person who deserves to die is Lennox. The rest of them are innocent enough. If they leave, we’ll let them live.

We all squint through the front window as we hear a car door slam. Andrea and one of his men get out of their car, squaring off against Beckett and Gage. There’s no sign of River yet.

Lennox grabs onto my arm, even though my arms are tied behind me, and he and Hayes sit on either side of me.

“Is that really necessary?” I glare down at where he’s holding onto my arm.

“Yes,” he hisses.

“Where is Ri?” I hear Beckett say to Andrea.

“Where is Rialta?” Andrea counters.

I tense. Of course, neither of them is going to yield to the other. They both want proof first.

Beckett glances back at me through the window, trying to figure out how to get Ri back with desperation in his eyes.

“Show me to Andrea. Show him that you brought me. He wants me and trusts me. He’ll listen to me when I tell him to hand over River.” I’m not sure Beckett can hear me, but Lennox can. He opens the door and pulls me out.

Hayes slides out after me and both men flank me as we walk forward to a foot behind Gage and Beckett.

“She’s safe, and we’re happy to return her in exchange for my wife,” Beckett growls.

“Rialta, are you okay? Did any of them hurt you? Did any of them try to fuck you?” Andrea says.

“I’m—” Gunfire rains down on us, interrupting my reply.

Everyone ducks on instinct, trying to shield themselves from the bullets, but I sense Lennox and Hayes reaching for me. I only have a split second to decide what to do. If I stay and let them protect me, I’ll be dragged back into the bulletproof car and driven away.

I’m tired of being protected.

And I know what I have to do.

I run.

I run straight toward Andrea—who is also ducking down as he slinks back toward his car.

Lennox shouts my name, but his words won’t stop me.

Beckett is running a foot ahead of me, not even bothering to duck or swerve to keep the bullets from hitting him. It’s clear the only thing on his mind is getting to that car before Andrea jumps in and drives away.

I chase after him—needing to see River safe as much as he does. My fate isn’t to live a long and happy life, but I’m determined that after all River has sacrificed for me that she does.

A loud boom from behind me has me stumbling on my feet and my ears ringing. I don’t stop, though, even though I want to glance behind me. I want to know if Lennox and Hayes and Gage are still alive or bleeding out on the concrete.

I don’t let myself look, though, and I can no longer hear their footsteps behind me.

I feel the whoosh of air all around me as bullets whiz by my body. And I don’t have to think long to know who is shooting at us. This is the same man who has wanted me dead since birth.

I lock my eyes on the car, knowing I need to get there as quickly as possible. It’s my only salvation.

Andrea pulls himself into the driver’s seat.


Will he drive off before I get to him? Or will he wait for me?

Beckett’s gun aims toward the car.
