Page 46 of Rialta

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Beckett’s wail cuts deep into my heart. My body quakes with emotion as my hand goes over my own stomach, where my own baby resides. And I know deep down what happened. That they lost their unborn baby.

It’s not fair.

It’s not fair that Ri and Beckett’s baby is gone. A baby that was so wanted. They sacrificed everything to have a child, and it was taken from them, while my unplanned baby is still safe in my belly.

I was never meant to be a mother, but River was. She was born in the role, born to protect innocent life.

While I can’t even protect myself, let alone this unborn baby. I can’t keep the man I love safe. I can’t enact my plan. I’m a failure, and yet my baby is still alive.

It’s not fucking fair.

I close my eyes as I listen to Beckett. His voice would break even the cruelest of hearts. It burns through my body and etches itself in my soul. I’ll never forget his sounds as long as I live.

It’s loud enough that Kit stirs beside me.

“Rialta? Are you okay? What’s going on?” Kit asks.

I don’t answer him. “How are you feeling?”

“Better. Sore and like I could sleep for a week straight, but better.”

“Are you hungry?”

“Only for you,” he teases.

I should get him something to eat, but Lennox’s words ring in my ear. They believe I’m at fault for Ri losing her unborn baby. And they’re right—I am.

It’s something I’ll have to live the rest of my life carrying with me. Ri is their world. They all love her. Even if she belongs to Beckett, she also belongs to them, too. She saved them. Loved them all. Protected them all. And the hurt she’s experiencing is something they won’t forgive. They’ll want revenge. And no matter how big or small of a role I played in her loss, I’ll need to face that punishment.

I consider leaving the room, so Lennox will punish me sooner rather than later, but I decide against it. I sit on the edge of Kit’s bed and stroke his hair.

“Kiss me.” He licks his lips in anticipation. But I can’t think about anything other than Ri.

“I can’t,” I croak out.

Kit narrows his eyes.

“Good decision.” Lennox appears in the doorway as if instantly. There was no sign he was there a second ago, and then all of a sudden, he’s here.

I stare at him. Blood covers his body—River’s blood.

“Come with me.” He barks out, knowing I’ll do as he says.

“Rialta, what’s happened?” Kit asks.

I ignore him and rise.

“Rialta!” Kit shouts and begins climbing out of bed.

I walk past Lennox before he blocks the door, keeping Kit from exiting.

“Get back in bed before I put you there.” Lennox growls.

“Rialta!” Kit shouts again.

“I’m fine. I’ll make sure you get some food. Rest—I’ll come for you soon and explain everything,” I say from behind Lennox.
