Page 63 of Rialta

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“That’s where we come in. We’ll help you find and kill him. We’ll help you win,” I say.

“Even if I believed you, I don’t believe you are going to find and kill The Abyss. You haven’t been able to all this time.”

“We’re going back to the Retribution Kings. They have resources that can help us find The Abyss,” Hayes says.

“And we can use their men to help ensure Lennox survives this. Our only ask in exchange for helping you is that when you become the heir and take over Vincent’s job, the Corsi men and Retribution Kings will become allies instead of enemies,” Gage says.

We all stare at Kit, waiting for his response. He looks each of us in the eyes carefully. Finally, he says, “It doesn’t seem I have a choice. It doesn’t mean I trust you, any of you, but we have a deal.”

Gage lowers his gun, and we all shake on it. I don’t like Gage and Hayes going back to the Retribution Kings. I don’t know what punishments they will have to endure to gain their trust again or even if they will take them back. But I know we don’t have a choice.

We are all risking our lives in different ways. But I meant what I said—if it comes down to it, I’ll die to give Rialta everything she wants and deserves. If she loves Kit, if she chooses him, then I have no problem dying for her.

Chapter 24


“You’re safe here,” Andrea says as we step into a one-bedroom shack in the middle of the woods.

“I’m not safe anywhere,” I say matter-of-factly back.

He frowns at me but doesn’t argue.

If there’s any electricity in this small cabin, he doesn’t bother to turn it on. Instead, he uses the light from his phone to check things out. I can only see where he points the light—a small dingy couch, a fridge, and a microwave sit in a two-cabinet kitchen, and a queen bed sits in the far corner. I don’t see another door.

“Does this place even have a bathroom?” I ask.

“It has an outhouse.”

My eyes widen as my nose wrinkles in disgust. Then I realize an outhouse is a convenient excuse to escape. But escape to where? There’s nowhere for me to go. We’re in the middle of fucking nowhere.

“Why’d you bring me here?”

“Because it’s safe. It’s my personal safe house. No one knows about this place—not even my men. Not Vincent, no one. We’re as safe as humanly possible,” he says.

“You’re not going to be able to find The Abyss from here.”

“I’m not worried about The Abyss. I’m worried about the other two tasks.”

I frown and swallow hard, trying to push my anxiety down.

He studies me head to toe. “But that’s something we can discuss tomorrow. We should eat something and sleep.”

He starts walking toward the door with his phone light. “I need to go turn on the electricity. I’ll be right back. Make yourself at home.”

And then Andrea is outside. I can hear his boots crunching leaves and twigs outside as he rounds the small cabin.

My heart pounds in my chest. I don’t know what to do, but I need to get out of here. I need to figure out how to keep everyone I love alive, but my father’s new terms put a damper on my original plan.

This might be my only chance.

I slip out the door, intent on running as soon as I can creep far enough away that he can’t hear my footsteps.

I take one step, then another, then another. Each step is carefully placed, so Andrea doesn’t realize I’m outside.

“The outhouse is on the other side,” Andrea’s voice booms.

