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“He wanted to punch a horse?!”

Oh God, I can only imagine what the owners of the stables think of my family now.

“It was very stressful for us!” my mother says, defending him. I don’t know how you defend wanting to punch a horse, but I guess that’s what happy couples do—have each other’s backs no matter what.

“I’m sorry,” I say as I hug her. “We can put it all past us and enjoy the rest of our vacation. I won’t get lost in the mountains again. I promise.”

“Just in case, I’m buying a GPS tracker for you.”


“It will fit in your purse,” she says with a shrug. “You’ll barely even notice it.”

“We’ll see,” I say as I shake my head in disbelief. “You’re free to go now. I just want to take a shower and go get something to eat.”

“I don’t want to rush you, honey,” she says as I practically push her toward the door, “but there are a lot of people downstairs who would like to see you. They’ve been worried sick.”

I can’t help but smile, knowing they were all worried about me. “I’ll be quick.”

After the hottest shower of my life, I get ready and head downstairs. I put on an outfit that’s both casual and sexy—jean shorts with a loose white shirt that buttons up the middle. I leave an extra button open than I normally do and finish the outfit off with my new wedge sandals that I got on sale last week.

Everyoneis waiting in the lobby. I get a lot of hugs and my shoulder is soaked (from my father, my sister, and my aunt’s tears) by the time I get through everyone.

I keep scanning the room, wanting to find someone in particular, but he doesn’t appear to be here.

When the sob-fest is over, and I’m finally free, I sneak over to the reception desk to speak with the twins.

“Oh great, they found you,” Tina says in a flat voice with absolutely zero emotion or happiness on her face.

“We told you riding animals was stupid,” Tiffany says with a scornful look.

I force out a smile. “Right... So anyway, I would like to thank the park ranger for saving me. Do you know where I can find him?”

“Twenty bucks,” Tiffany says.


“Twenty each,” Tina quickly adds.

“Are you serious right now? My life was in danger—“

“Because of your stupidity.”

“—and I’d like to thank the man whorescuedme—“

“Waste of time as far as we’re concerned.”

“—and you’re charging me for it?!”

They both stare at me, then say ‘yes’ at the same time.

I want to scream in frustration, but I yank my purse open instead and fish out two twenty dollar bills. “There,” I say as I throw them on the counter. “Now, where can I find him?”

“He’s right behind you,” Tina says as they snatch the crumpled bills off the counter.

I turn around and gasp when I see Noah, the hot sexy park ranger, walking into the lodge with his eyes fixated on me.

