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I much prefer Noah with his easy smile and beautiful face.

“Did you come to break another window?” Colin asks in a sharp curt tone.

“I came to give you the money,” Noah says as he walks over. I wouldn’t go near that guy, but Noah doesn’t seem intimidated in the least. “And a bit extra for the trouble.”

Colin grunts as he takes the thick envelope. He frowns as he rifles through the crisp bills.

I look around for any sign of a female, but I don’t see anything. Geez, what is with these mountains? They’re teeming with hot single men. It’s like all the men have to be at least six feet tall with huge muscles, tattoos, and be hot as hell to enter.

It feels like I wandered into a parallel universe or something where the rugged masculinity is off the charts.

I should start a real estate company in town and market it to single women around the country. If single women knew about this place, every hot-blooded woman in the country would want to move here. Every time a house came on the market, I’d have a feeding frenzy on my hands.

Colin grunts as he shoves the envelope into his back pocket. “Next time you break into my house, put the screen back. I killed about a hundred mosquitos.”

“Will do.” Noah gives him that easy smile. It turns me to mush, but it doesn’t seem to do much to Colin but make him grunt.

His dark brown eyes snap onto me and I feel my whole body tighten.

“Is that the girl?”

Noah looks at me and smiles. “That’s her.”

“You better stay on the trails,” Colin warns me with a scowl. “There are lots of hungry grizzly bears out there just waiting for someone to wander into their den.”

“That’s enough,” Noah warns. He walks beside me and puts his arm around my shoulders. He’s so protective, I love it.

“Oh,” Colin says with a roll of his eyes. The sight of us together seems to put him in an even worse mood. “Are we done here?”

“We just wanted to say thank you for lending us Charlie,” I say, “and apologize for breaking your window. I know it was an inconvenience for you, but it meant so much to—“

He just turns around and goes inside. The screen door slams shut and my mouth drops.

How the hell can he be so rude? Even the people in New Jersey aren’t this rude! I thought people out here were supposed to be nicer.

I’m standing here in shock as Noah looks at me with a shrug. “That’s Colin,” he says with a grin. “Now let’s get the fuck out of here.”

I say bye to Charlie (who is thrilled with his bone) and then get back into Noah’s truck.

“He works in search and rescue?” I say as we roll back down the road. “I don’t think I’d want to be saved by that guy. He’s terrifying.”

“He’s not so bad,” Noah says as he turns around a bend. The cabin disappears behind the trees. “He’s good at his job, but he’s had a hard life.”

I’m curious about what happened to him, but I don’t want to ruin the afternoon with sad stories. It’s not every day that I’m on a date (this is a date, right?) with a hot muscular park ranger, driving around the scenic mountains in his truck.

“Have you seen Jasper’s Lookout?” Noah asks as he rolls down the windows.

“No,” I say as I lean back and let the nice breeze tickle my face. “What’s that?”

“It’s the most beautiful spot in Montana. It’s perched high on Silvergray Mountain and you can see the whole town and miles of stunning wilderness around it.”

“Is that where all the mountain men take the tourists to make out?” I ask with a grin.

He turns and smiles at me. “Sometimes.”

My eyes are drawn to his mouth. I wonder what kissing Noah would be like. He’s probably the perfect mix of rough and gentle. I start to imagine what those big strong hands would feel like as they explored my body and my pulse begins to race.

Be bold. Be adventurous. For once in your life go after what you want.
