Page 11 of Indian Lace

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“Don’t think your attitude towards him went unnoticed, Hayden. You’d best make it right. We really want him to stay,” Seb had said to him, obviously having picked up on Hayden’s hostility.

He’d promised to do what he could, but then he’d remembered how Ashok had spoken to him and he’d nodded begrudgingly. Hayden would play nice if Ashok did.

Seeing him now, though, with the bruise marring his face, he regretted his earlier animosity. He didn’t know his circumstances, and he knew he’d reacted badly.

“Look, I’m sorry about earlier,” Hayden started, “I was out of order, but when Seb and Dom approached me, I have to admit I wasn’t happy. I’m not used to sharing my house with anyone.”

“Other than the snake,” Ashok countered.

“Other than the snake,” Hayden agreed. “He doesn’t complain and doesn’t go around kissing other people.”

Ashok looked puzzled. “Why would a snake be kissing people?”

“Long story.” He looked down at his hands, not wanting to explain his last sentence. “I just wanted to apologise, Ashok. We didn’t exactly start off on the right foot, did we? Perhaps we should try again.”

Hayden offered his outstretched hand. “Hi, I’m Hayden Fletcher, a thirty-year-old man with no manners and little in the way of social skills.”

Ashok eyed him cautiously before taking his hand. “Ashok Miller, a wary twenty-five-year-old, just moved up from London for no other reason than I needed to get away. And no, I don’t want to talk about it.”

As tempted as he was to ask, Hayden knew he shouldn’t, and maybe, in time, Ashok would feel comfortable enough to tell him.

The doorbell signalled the arrival of the food and broke the tension in the air.

“I’ll go grab that if you could get some plates out of the cupboard to the right of the oven,” Hayden shouted over his shoulder as he left the room. At least they weren’t arguing, but as of now, all his senses were screaming at him to protect Ashok. Something had happened today that had shaken him. Hayden wasn’t expecting a full-blown confession. They’d spent no more than half an hour together, and he was sure that Ashok in no way trusted him after their earlier altercation.

Maybe over dinner they could get to know each other a little. Perhaps he’d open up as to his reasons for moving away from home. Hayden was sure it had something to do with the bruises and, once again, anger coursed through him at the thought that someone could do that to another human being.

Shame followed anger as he remembered how he’d been in a former life. He’d beaten no one, that wasn’t in his make-up, but he’d been vicious with his tongue, goading people to do his dirty work, and that was even worse in his opinion.

He’d told no one. Not even Seb or Dom, and he planned on keeping it that way. He hated to think what they’d say or do if they found out. He’d been a bully, pure and simple.

After paying the delivery guy, he came back into the kitchen, watching a very lithe Ashok setting out the plates and cutlery on the table. He’d no right to look, though, not having a clue if he was gay, bi or anything other than straight. It was unfair of him to stare.

Ashok was only going to be staying for a couple of days anyway, a couple of days where he vowed to be the perfect host.

Seb and Dom would kill him if he wasn’t, and there was no way he was going to upset them.

Chapter Six


“HowmuchdoIowe you?” Ashok asked, not wishing to take advantage.

“This one’s on the house,” Hayden replied, a cheeky smile on his face that Ashok would be happy to see again. Cute dimples in each cheek had Ashok studying him more closely. He had a day’s growth on his face, and his blue eyes sparkled with amusement. “You can do the washing up when we’re done.”

Ashok looked around the kitchen. It was spotless save for the plates and cutlery they were using, not a thing out of place. He had to admit when he cooked, he was messy, using most of the pots and pans in the house.

His mother was forever telling him to wash as he went, but it always seemed like too much effort.

Ashok shrugged. As much as he had decided to be nice to Hayden, tonight he was just too tired to do anything except eat the mediocre pizza in front of him.

“Thanks. I appreciate it.” He popped a piece of tomato in his mouth and chewed slowly. He’d definitely had better.

“So, what are your plans while you’re here?” Hayden asked, taking a healthy bite from his pizza.

Ashok watched him, transfixed, as he wiped his full lips with a paper napkin, momentarily distracted. He wondered how soft they’d be if he kissed them. Would he taste like coffee, or would he have his own unique taste? Ashok would love to know, but his old fears resurfaced. He couldn’t get involved again. It never ended well.

“I, er, plan to work and live here. That’s as far as I got, really. I’ll get out of your hair as soon as I can. Maybe even tomorrow. I can go find a room somewhere.” He sat back in his chair, the pizza he’d eaten sitting like a stone in his gut.
