Page 39 of Indian Lace

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“I’m not upset about that.” Hayden looked unsure, and Ashok was positive he’d upset him. “Well, I am a little, but I suppose we don’t know each other that well, even though we’ve spent the best part of three days together. We were with other people.”

“The thing is,” Ashok continued, “I don’t want this to come between us. I do want to pursue this with you. I just don’t know what to do to forget.”

“You shouldn’t forget. It’s part of who you are. You wouldn’t be human if you could put it out of your mind and never think about it. I hope you’ll give me a chance, Ashok. I can’t lie and say I’m not attracted to you because I am. For the first time in a long time, I’ve found someone I want to spend time with.”

“What about Matthew? I heard your mum mention him. Who was he?”

“Just some dick who got off with my cousin and somehow thought it was still OK for us to be together. I took him to see my parents once, and that was enough. Vic hated him, and Quinn wasn’t too impressed either.”

Ashok felt sorry for him. For that to happen at all was bad, but for it to happen in front of family? He must have been mortified.

“I’m sorry that happened to you.” And he was also pleased that Hayden was attracted to him. Ashok was very much attracted to Hayden; he just needed to get out of his head and push through this. It’d been two years. Two years of shutting himself away. Two years where he’d thrown himself into his dancing. It was two years of putting up with his father, but he’d made the decision to move away. He needed to take this new chance by the balls and show it who was boss.

He couldn’t let the events of two years ago ruin his future happiness. He should have been done with it a long time ago. It was time to move on.

“Come lie down with me. Just hold me. Would you do that for me?”

Hayden didn’t speak, just took the drink from Ashok, placing it on the table in front of them. He scooted to the back of the sofa and lay down, holding his arms open.

Ashok felt a tenderness towards Hayden. Not only had he listened, but he’d understood, too. Of course he would. He was a good and kind man and had likely been a boy scout. Ashok reckoned he’d have to look hard to find even the tiniest skeleton in his cupboard, so sure was he that Hayden was that good Samaritan.

They lay together for a few hours, both of them eventually falling asleep.

Hayden’s phone ringing brought them both out of their catnap. Ashok had turned in his sleep and found himself draped over Hayden, whose arms were wrapped tightly around Ashok.

“What the hell?” Hayden mumbled before trying to sit up. “Let it go to voicemail. I’m not answering anyone today. They can all fuck off.”

“What if it’s important?” Ashok asked, trying to stifle a yawn.

“Then they’ll leave a message.” He flopped back down on the sofa, pulling Ashok back down with him.

Ashok was awake now, though, and needed to pee. He wriggled out his grasp and sat up.

“Where are you going? I thought we were staying here?” Hayden asked.

“I need to pee, and I’m actually a little hungry. I can see if there’s any food I can whip up. It’s four thirty. We’ve been here for two hours.”

The past few days had done wonders for Ashok’s foot, and he managed the stairs with only a little help from the wall. His balance was much better, and falling over while peeing was no longer a concern. It still ached, and he was sure it would for a while longer yet. Just how long he’d need to wait before he could dance on it, he didn’t know, but he hoped it wouldn’t be too long.

The last thing he needed was for Seb and Dom to look for another tutor. He couldn’t go back to London. Not now. Not now he’d had a taste of freedom, albeit a brief one.

He made it down to the kitchen and opened the fridge. There wasn’t much in there but enough to do some sandwiches, and he was sure there was some soup in the cupboard he could warm up.

An arm slipped around his waist from behind as he stood at the stove, stirring the soup.

“Smells good, and I wasn’t talking about the soup.”

“Hey, be careful. I don’t want to burn you. Who was on the phone?”

“I’ve no idea. I didn’t check. Probably spam or something. I don’t know. Have I got time for a shower before dinner’s ready?”

“You’ve plenty of time. I’ve not started the sandwiches yet.”

“Come shower with me.” Hayden nibbled at his ear, and Ashok shivered, the sensation shooting straight to his dick.

Showering while wearing underwear was completely different to showering naked, but the temptation to do it was there.

Hayden continued with his nibbles, pulling Ashok’s shirt to one side so he could kiss his shoulder.
