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He reached out and tugged on the end of her braid. “Already have a babysitter lined up for her. Mrs. Faulkner. They’re doing some quilting thing that Greer did with Dawson.”

Fear spiked and he rubbed two fingers along her jaw.

“You have the final say, Emma. Always. But the babysitter is there and I haven’t mentioned anything to Greer.”

She really didn’t have any excuse to say no, even though she searched for one. Desperately. This man, he made her feel things she had no right to feel. Especially since she knew this was just temporary.

“Come on, Emma. You. Me. Big balls. Pins. Horrible music and loud noise. Bowling is a sport for people with talent to spare.”

His gaze fixated on her face and she took a breath, even as she shook her head over the terrible quip.

“It’s right up my alley.” He slid closer. “Come with me to leave no pin standing.”

A snort-laugh escaped and she slapped her hand over his mouth. “Stop with the horrible puns.”

“That ship has sailed.” His lips moved against her palm and he waggled his eyebrows at her.

“We have work to do.”

“Bowlers always have time to spare.” Linc captured her wrist and moved her hand so he could nip her fingers.

Holy crap that feels delicious. Her insides trembled as he continued to feast on her.

“Let the pins fall where they may.” His grin grew. “We’ll be the life and bowl of the party. In the morning, we’ll have aches and lanes.”

“Okay, okay. Just stop. I’ll go.”

He kissed the pads of her fingers before bringing her even closer to him.

“Let the good times bowl.”

“I can still change my mind,” she teased.

“So what you’re saying is, I’m on pin ice?”


He pulled and she fell against his chest. When his hand slipped around the nape of her neck, she didn’t think past how she loved him touching her. Eyes locked on his, she tried to control the rapid beating of her heart.

“Knock, knock.”

Emma went to move but the large hand on her neck held her in place. Linc didn’t look away from her.

“Go away,” he rumbled.

“Be nice.”

“It’s only Tully and he’s cockblocking.”

Heat surged. “Is that what he’s doing? I thought we were discussing tonight. At work. Where there are a lot of impressionable children around.”

The slow shrug from Linc was sexy. Lord help her, the man made breathing sexy.

“Kiss me, Emma.”

“Now?” Maybe she needed a breath mint. Perhaps she sucked at kissing. Maybe she would spontaneously combust if she did. Or didn’t.

“I’m feeling needy. Or was that punny?”

Emma narrowed her gaze at him despite wanting to laugh. “I suspect this is blackmail.”

“You can call it whatever you want, so long as I get a kiss.”

She wanted to give him one. “One.”

“For starters.” A throat cleared. “Keep your knickers on, Tully. I’m getting a kiss from my fiancée. You can wait your turn.”

“Should I be jealous you’re kissing him after I kiss you?” She gave a saucy grin. “Is this a common thing with you and your boys?”

His fingers flexed against her skin. “They’re both so ridiculously needy, so sometimes I have to give them what they want.” His gaze burned hotter. “Emma?”


“Kiss. Me.”

She shouldn’t be doing this. Especially here. But she wanted the kiss. She slid her left hand along his smooth jaw and into his hair, which wasn’t currently confined but falling free over his broad shoulders. The strands were smooth and silken.

A low moan slid free. From her? From him? She couldn’t say. Perhaps both. She raked her nails along the back of his head as their lips brushed together. His low moan of pleasure allowed her to slip her tongue in his mouth, bold for an unknown reason.

Nothing mattered. Not that Tully was behind her. Not that they were in the center, his office, yes, but still in the center.

Linc tasted of mint and she got a hint of melon. Most likely from the flavored water he’d been drinking. He gripped her tighter and his body locked up. Tully cleared his throat again and she ended the kiss. She didn’t get very far before Linc was pulling her to his mouth again.

“You taste fucking divine.”

She thought the same about him. When he pulled back, she licked her lips, loving how he followed the motion with his gaze, his jaw clenching and his nostrils flaring.

“Okay,” she muttered. “Bowling.”

“Perfect.” His thumb skimmed along her chin. “I have to take care of Thing One here and I’ll be back.”

She lowered her gaze and rubbed her palms on her thighs. “No, you have a class and the phone meeting with the contractor for the rink.” He stepped back and she gripped his shirt, keeping him close. “Also, you had a call from a man named Adam Savaglio and he’d—”

“No.” One single word with no wiggle room.

His eyes had lost all the previous heat they’d contained. His jaw was set.
