Page 34 of Valentine's Eve

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“Last month?”

Hallow looked confused. “Fuck. Did I? I was drunk, man. I really don’t remember what happened, but I don’t think I raped my fiancée.”

“You don’t even know?”

“Girl’s always been willing even if I forced myself on her. Last time I saw her like that, in bed, we were still engaged. The very night you did this to my face. After it. Yeah, you told me to go to her. I did. I went to her, and we had it out.”

“You admit it, then?”

“My heart’s broken, man. You wouldn’t understand. Maybe I did. It’s fuzzy. Is that why she wasn’t speaking to me? I thought it was because I was with some other women that night.”

“I ain’t here to help.”

“Why do you even care? Women are raped here all the time. What makes Eve so special?”

Eve was special, but I wouldn’t explain myself. I let out the whip and cracked it. “You’re on probation until your back is healed.”

“Go ahead. I’m so high, I won’t even feel it.”

“But I’ll enjoy flogging you, pig. And don’t worry. You’ll feel it tomorrow when we leave you out here to sober up.”

“You’re only doing this because you’re in love with Eve like everyone says.”

Without another word, I went behind him. As I attacked his back, I knew I was in love with her. But I couldn’t have her. I made Hallow feel my enormous pain. Feel my loss. Whatever Eve and I had going on was killing her, and I wouldn’t hurt her.

Chapter 12


I’d never planned for it to happen, let alone happen twice. Afterwards, I moved into Goliath’s old place at Royal Road, just like Kingpin suggested.

Both times my heart had been freshly broken. My heart and my body yearned for love. Kingpin more than satisfied both those needs. Because, it hadn’t felt like only sex. But how the hell would I know? I’d only ever had sex with one man, Hallow. On the other hand, I wasn’t void of sense. How could my times with Kingpin feel like just sex with the passion between us? Everyone in the club had been saying we were in love when in my mind, in truth we clearly were not. Had the outside looking in seen something we could not? Maybe they had because my reaction with Kingpin had been much more than physical. And with the words pouring from him the last time, I knew Kingpin felt something much more as well.

However, like me, Kingpin had been hurt.

As much as my heart hurt because of Hallow, it longed for the comfort Kingpin had provided. Not only did my insides ache for him to take me once more, I thought of him scratching Hallow’s property patch and creamed my panties. The biker Prez who once scared me to death and disgusted me like no other set up camp in my mind right alongside the other biker I loved.

I chalked my confusion up to me being so distraught about the loss of my fiancé and being so familiar with Kingpin. I’d run to Kingpin in my time of need. Not to mention the fact Hallow and I had been having trouble intimately because of my miscarriage that he hadn’t even known about. Of course, sharing such personal details with Kingpin would make me vulnerable to him. And Hallow had been gone so I spent a lot of time with our Prez. I’d overcome my fear of him, found him to be a practical, kind and generous man, sometimes, but never thought I’d fall under his spell.

Not in a million years.

But then, there was just something about the head biker that drew me to him, like a moth to a flame. I knew it was dangerous. I knew it was wrong, even if he said Sky and him were on the outs. His wife carried his child. The worst part was that he’d left his two whores for the girl. Kingpin had fallen in love and married. He was going to be a father.

I didn’t want to give in, but Kingpin’s raw and unfiltered passion threatened to drag me back to him. At two am, I found myself crawling out of bed, freshening up and heading to the clubhouse. One of the late-night dance parties where a DJ played nightcore edits was going on. The sped up songs caused me to bop as I walked. I bumped into Ember from the band.

“What are you doing here?” I asked her, marveling at how different she looked. When she played, she dressed like any other biker chic in jeans and boots, but tonight she had on a dress that showed off her best features, her slim physique. Her normally curly hair cascaded down her back, straight as a stick. Instead of her normal beer, she had a girly cocktail in her hand.

“Looking for a man, what else?”

“Me too,” I said, looking for Kingpin. So far, I hadn’t spotted him. But I couldn’t take my eyes off her. “You look nice.”

Squinting down at her outfit, she straightened the fabric. “There are more than bikers here, ya know. Gotta show ‘em you clean up good.” She spoke of the wealthy men who came to Royal Road for the women, gambling, and to make backroom deals. Deals hidden from the eyes of the mob and the man who owned them. “It’s slim pickings tonight, though. Younger crowd here. Some tech guys. Look, you can tell because they don’t wear suits.” She pointed out a guy who dressed like any pothead, telling me he’d been in Forbes magazine on some list.

Pondering becoming a gold digger myself, I tried to pay attention for a second. But my thoughts quickly turned to Kingpin and to Hallow.

Rocking up to my tiptoes, I searched the crowd. “Any bikers still around?”
