Page 35 of Valentine's Eve

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“Not many. The ones who are, are working. A few officers, too.” She pointed out Thorn, Cousin, and Horror. “Don’t worry. I’ve not seen Hallow or his crew.”

She talked about his friends, members who worked at Dawg’s garage. He’d not had much to do with them since he met me on account of Steph. That bitch was kin to them, somehow.

Ember went on, “There are plenty of prospects. Rome is here.” Her eyes twinkled at the mention of him. Then Ember regarded me with a chuckle. “What are you wearing?”

“Oh, this?” I glanced down. I’d thrown on my Jack Daniels’ shirt from Bootsies. Not the one that I wore to work. The oversized one I used to sleep in that would cover my ass. In my hasty pursuit, I only had on the black leggings I’d gone to bed in. “I’m just here for a midnight snack.” I’d had a hankering for something, though it wasn’t food.

“Living here now?” Ember asked.

“Temporarily, yes.”

As I answered her, we spotted Rome with Cali, a sweetbutt. We gave each other a knowing glance.

Ember deflated. “Fuck him.”

“So, you’re not looking for some rich guy?”

“No. Rome’s been giving me all the signals. I thought.” Ember’s finger wiped at the corner of her eye. “I’m an idiot.”

Touching her shoulder, I said, “No. Men are stupid. All of them.”

“You say you’re living here? That’s great. Means you don’t have to drive home.”

I was confused until she took my hand and dragged me to the bar. Minni and a new girl were slinging drinks, complaining about the early morning shift.

“We’re a fucking 7-11 now, I guess. Open all damn night since Kingpin’s on the rag.”

Ember ordered me a drink that looked just like hers. Pink with a little flamingo to garnish. I didn’t catch the name over the thumping music, but it was delicious, nonetheless. I finished the sugary liquid in no time as she dished about Rome. Ember was smitten. I held my tongue about his baby face. Rome and Ember made a good match. Yet, it seemed she had the same issue as I did. Rome was drowning his sorrows in the sweetbutts.

Ember ordered us another round. Tequila. I tasted it this time.

“Here I am going on about Rome when you’re clearly hurting.”

I had to fight confessing to her who I actually came to Royal Road to find. That’s when I spotted the biker talking to a woman who was dressed to the nines. She looked smitten with him. Then fuck, I recognized her. It was fucking Felicia. It wasn’t out of the ordinary to see a celebrity around here. After all, this was Nashville and Royal Road was exclusive, but Felicia was more famous than God.

Ember declared, “Fuck men. Fuck Rome and fuck Hallow.”

I raised my glass, thinking fuck Kingpin.

“Come on.” Ember took me out to dance.

I let the music take me. Ignoring all the men, Ember and I found solace in each other as we boogied. Thankfully, this DJ played more than nightcore. The dance had become cardio, and I needed a cool down. However, the more I drank, the more I opened up to the potential partners surrounding me. Dancing partners.

A tall drink of water who reminded me of Hallow without the leather, held out his hand. I let him twirl and dip me. We swayed. I ate up the attention as this handsome man leaned into my neck. Smelling of expensive cologne, wearing slacks and a suit jacket, he was nothing like the bikers around here. I imagined leaving with him and never coming back. But I didn’t even know his name. And my teeth were swimming. I’d lost Ember, too. She’d been swept away in the sea of dancers.

Every once and a while, I bobbed up and saw Kingpin watching me from a corner booth. Felicia left him. He sat alone. I continued to dance. But whirling, I fell against leather. Whiskey and cigarettes invaded my nose.

“Maxwell, get lost,” Kingpin yapped at my handsome partner.

“Maxwell,” I repeated the name and reached for the man as he slipped away.

Next thing I knew, Kingpin sat me at his booth. “What are you doing? I thought you loved Hallow.”

“I do. Can’t a girl have a good time? On her day off? Hallow can. You can.”

“You think watching you get close to Maxwell Jacobs is a good time? In your freaking pajamas?”

“I don’t know him.”
