Page 62 of Valentine's Eve

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“I can make you come back,” Kingpin reminded me.

“Yeah, but you can’t make me be with Eve, pregnant or not.”

Kingpin fell silent again.

“I should just come back to Charleston, for good,” I decided. The fact that I’d knocked Eve up when I did the unbelievably cruel act, I couldn’t handle it.

“Maybe so,” Kingpin said. “But Eve loves you. Are you willing to give her up? Another man would gladly take her, I’m sure, even if she’s carrying another man’s child.”

Kingpin was right, though my brothers hadn’t messed with her in all this time. The fact gave me some comfort as I refused. “I can’t go back to Eve. I’m with Steph.”

“Eve will be heartbroken. Is there nothing I can do to convince you?”

I took a swig of tequila. It burned my throat, lightened my head, and numbed my heart. Kingpin wanted me back mighty bad. Of course, he had a soft spot for Eve.

“If you care so much, why don’t you take her in?” I barked.

He had a pretty little thing of his own, I knew. Kingpin was in love with Sky who was the opposite of Eve, much like Steph and Rosie. A bit older, she was tough and brooding, even if she was broken now. Sky had been wild and dark, something Eve wasn’t. Sometimes I envied Kingpin’s choice. But I wanted Eve how she was before Kingpin changed her with his singing lessons. He’d given her a boldness that hadn’t been there before. Maybe it was, but Eve didn’t shine so brightly as she did now. I missed the innocent girl I’d first met. The girl that was simply property of Hallow and nothing else.

Prez practically begged. “What can I do? I mean anything. I won’t have Eve suffering anymore on account of you.”

I decided to fuck with him. “Yeah, make me an officer, give me a house, and I’ll think about coming back to Eve.” I looked to the whores who were cleaning up. My anger and regret took over, so I added, “And Eve will have to get used to me fucking other women. I won’t make her my Ol’ Lady. I’m not going to be mortified by her again.”

“An officer and a house, I can do that,” Kingpin quipped quickly. “You can move into Goliath’s place. I’ll find a spot for you. With Levi gone, I need another Enforcer.”

Enforcer? Surprised, I said, “I’ll think about it.”

Kingpin grumbled, “If you come back, I can’t make you stay faithful to her. But you aren’t to lay a finger on Eve. You won’t hurt her. You do, I’ll skin you alive.”

Biting my lip, I let Kingpin’s words kick me in the gut.

“She’s not okay. You have to know. If you come back, she’s not supposed to have relations. Get my drift? You think about it, but I need to know soon,” Kingpin said and hung up on me.

I spent the next week thinking and drinking. I met up with Rosie again wanting one more romp before I headed back to Royal Road. If I decided to. Out of nowhere, a biker started wailing on me. I fought back. Static and I tumbled for a bit, but I was too drunk to put up much of a fight or even care. No one came to my aid. Why would they? I was practically an outsider here in Charleston. I called Kingpin that night and told him I’d be on my way back.

The whole, long ride to Nashville, I dreaded seeing Eve in her condition, knowing I’d caused it when I violated her. She deserved much more. The way I discarded her when I didn’t know what I’d done was killing me. I was so ashamed of how I treated her. I let Steph knock her down. I’d been about to let her smash Eve’s face in. That was all before I’d found out what I’d done to her. And even afterwards, I treated her horribly, choosing Steph over her.

Arriving in Nashville, I stopped over at the Eagles’ Nest first. Steph was staying there. We’d moved in together.

“You’re back,” Steph greeted me at the door.

She came straight for me, so I kissed her as usual. One last time. That’s what I told myself when I took her to my bedroom. Fuck, she was a wildcat. She’d missed me. After we both got off twice, I broke the news to her. We were laying back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Steph liked a blunt after sex, so I took a toke.

Blowing out, I announced to the room, “Eve’s Pregnant.”

“Okay,” she said. “I know I said I didn’t care about other women, but I didn’t mean her.”

“I’ve not been with her since you and I got back together. But her baby is mine.”

“How the hell?” Steph sat up. Her short purple hair was sticking straight up as if she were a troll doll.

“It’s a long story.”

Steph knew what I spoke of. She’d been supportive of me when others shunned me. “I thought you said you didn’t quite remember doing all that.”

“I don’t but that doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. I was drunk so I figure it did. I’m going to Royal Road to see her.”

The woman blinked. She didn’t know what to say to that.
