Page 77 of Valentine's Eve

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No matter. My wedding band was in the box too. The one I’d not gotten to wear yet. That’s why it’d clinked. I sat down slowly. So pregnant, I couldn’t help being slow, but moreover, I understood Hallow meant to propose again. Afterall, this was a brand-new box. Red and shiny, it had the tiniest card attached.

Having ruined the surprise, I popped back up too quickly. I saw stars as I shoved the box back into Hallow’s jacket pocket. Red box. Valentine’s Day came tomorrow, but the club was hosting a dinner tonight, on Valentine’s Eve. I’d agreed to do a couple of love songs. Hallow said we’d partake in the dinner part while we were there, too. I hadn’t realized until now it was an actual date, date. Hallow more than likely planned to pop the question tonight in front of everyone.

How terribly sweet.

Before, he hadn’t even been able to ask himself. He’d just gotten out of the hospital. I was sure he meant to make a fuss this time. But what would I say? My heart mended for only one man, the best man. And the baby was a gift for Hallow and I, I decided. Despite it being Kingpin’s, I intended to treat it as such from here on out.

Chapter 26


I planned to wear something special to sing on Valentine’s Day anyway, but suspecting Hallow would propose, that night I made sure to really gussy up. Someone might get a video for me. I could only hope to have such precious memories for the rest of my life. My life with Hallow.

Therefore, I donned my blood red maternity dress that actually had pockets. I curled my already wavy hair. It was blonder than ever since I hadn’t been to the salon in ages. I wore my matching red lipstick. Standing in front of the mirror, I was smoking hot for a pregnant lady. My ankles wouldn’t allow me to wear cowboy boots or heels, hence I had to pair it all with the ugliest, wide, white tennis shoes in the world. But getting creative, I tied a red bow into the knot. Even though they could pass for cheerleading shoes now, I made my peace in the mirror. Then made my way to Royal Road on Hallow’s arm.

Hallow hadn’t dressed up. He hadn’t needed to for me like he had for Steph. I liked him fresh off his Harley, grease on his jeans, and long sleeved flannel with his cut. It read Cleaner. He wore it with satisfaction. We both had all we ever wanted. Well, I was about to.

I’d told Opry I would only sing two songs. My songs were always my choice. But he asked me to sing a song from him to his woman, Leonora. Therefore, that would be one of them. He offered to pay me personally for the favor. I refused any money.

Then the slick man got an idea. “If you were up to it, we could make a killing taking requests like they do on Broadway.”

“I’m not up to it. Another time maybe. Only if it was extra for me.” I liked that Royal Road paid me by the gig. I didn’t have to rely on tips like artists did on Lower Broad. I’d made more as a waitress there. “And I can’t sing everything.” I knew a lot of songs but couldn’t know it all. I didn’t want to get caught unawares. The band knew more music than I did and could usually follow me on a whim. It was something to think about another day.

I saved my one other song to silently dedicate to Hallow. Planning to sing our song, “Come Away With Me”, I recalled how I’d wanted to write him something original for our wedding. I’d struggled completing it before because of everything that had happened between us. I would before this next wedding, I promised myself right then.

Almost as soon as we got there, I’d be going on. I’d planned to before we ate. Because afterwards, I wouldn’t feel like it. The pregnancy was running me down. Hallow took a table in front of the stage like he’d reserved it for us. Sweet Tea had a fancy three course menu that brought in the crowd from all over Nashville. I spotted Jesus and Mateo with her in the back. Irked for a moment that Kingpin used them as cooks, I reminded myself all the prospects did the dirty work around here. At least these two had experience in the kitchen.

I started with Opry’s request, announcing it and singing the classic, “You Belong to Me”. These bikers were all the same, wanting their woman to know they were theirs. Their property. It was archaic, barbaric, but celebrated. Young Leo seemed smitten with her old cowboy.

After the applause died, I readied myself for my moment, but Dimple left his spot on stage and came up, saying Riff wanted me to sing, The Cure’s, “Just Like Heaven”. Thank goodness the band, and I had done it before. Him and the new girl, Mary slow danced as did others to our twangy version of it.

Listening to the cheers, I knew I only had one more in me. I wouldn’t say who this one was dedicated to. Hallow would know. Making eye contact with him, I waited for the music. But the band hesitated.

“There’s another request,” Rome announced and started a different tune. I recognized the first piano bit.

Lordalmighty. This was why I didn’t take requests. I turned to see who was asking Dimple now.

Fucking Kingpin was on stage right beside me.

Leaning over, he spoke into the mic in front of me. “Y’all. We’ve got a special request. Anonymous.” He pushed a note into my hand.

The band had already started. Kingpin stepped off stage and sat at the table with Hallow. Looking around, Sky was at a whole different table, but she didn’t look like she minded his absence. She was chatting with a slew of women who surrounded her. They must’ve all wanted to hear about their baby.

I opened the note.

Kingpin’s chicken scratch read,

My Angel,

Sing your song to the man you love, me, “Right On Time,” Brandi Carlile.

In the low light, I couldn’t make out the rest, but it was signed.

- Beau

The fucker even signed it. He knew I could sing that. I’d practiced it in front of him a million times for no reason other than it was good to practice to, slow and full of lows and powerful highs. The biker Prez was forcing me to sing what he wanted to hear as if I meant the words for him.

