Page 9 of Valentine's Eve

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Livid wasn’t the word. I got so angry that I called Hob, called the whole thing off. I wouldn’t run. But my brother wouldn’t have it? He said he was coming to get me, and nothing could stop him. I didn’t think him showing up would amount to a hill of beans. We’d have to hide the fact he was my brother from Leviathan but otherwise, I had every intention of walking down the aisle the next day.

Getting ready for our wedding, I knew I loved Hallow to pieces. I’d marry him first and then tell him about my infertility issues before the honeymoon. I reckoned that was as good a solution as any. But just as I was about to go on, Hob came roaring in with ten motorcycles, with the Asphalt Gods MC.

At the sight of him, wearing a cut from our enemy club, I had no choice but to leave Hallow at the altar. All to save my brother.

However, my biggest mistake was asking Kingpin to help me win Hallow back.

Chapter 4


Kingpin shined a light on me in the dark dank, abandoned factory where I waited on him.

I had called Paisley to come pick me up. We formulated a plan to get Kingpin out to me, by giving him a note I’d written signed by Noah Fond, one of his biggest enemies. We wrote, Mr. Fond would kill his wife and child. That he should come alone. The whore added that last bit about his baby. I hadn’t known, but she’d heard Sky was pregnant. That explained Kingpin’s shotgun wedding.

“What the hell is this about? You really ran off?”

I’d been crying my eyes out, and he was blinding me. “I reckon.”

Kingpin’s jaw dropped. The biker handed me his bandana.

Hell, having spent the better part of the day on the back of a motorcycle and with all my tears, I must’ve looked a fright. I cleaned up as much as I could.

“Nice fucking note. Threatening my wife.” Kingpin was fit to be tied.

“Lordalmighty. Would you’ve come for just little ol’ me?”

“What’s going on, here? We followed a slew of bikers out of Royal Road.” Kingpin was angry but still surprised.

“Now don’t fly off the handle. I wasn’t kidnapped. I need you to break it to Hallow, softly. I still love him. I’ve really screwed up.”

“What’s going on? Talk to me.” Kingpin shifted into the steadfast methods we used while I got over my stage fright. “Look at me,” he demanded in his incredibly overbearing way.

Bracing myself, I did just that. I stared down this evil powerful man. I started to explain. Then I stopped. Hush my mouth, I couldn’t tell my secret. It was just too personal for the likes of him.

Kingpin banged on the table scaring the Dickens out of me.

Jumping, I puffed air.

Prez leapt to his feet. He was going to leave.

“Wait, Kingpin. I need you. I’ll explain,” I howled.

The man looked like he’d kill me at any moment. I was keeping him from his honeymoon.

“You’re the only one who can help me,” I pleaded.

“Go on,” he gave in, but only a little. “Why ain’t you in Arkansas?”

“I made Hob bring me back. Nashville’s my home now. And I have a gig next week, with you, remember? Was supposed to be after my honeymoon.”

“Your brother just brought you back? You have any trouble getting him to bring you back?”

“It took some convincing,” I admitted.

“Spill it,” he demanded.

I summoned up the courage. “Once we got across the border, we stopped to talk about it. Hob overheard some of the bikers say they had plans for me. He didn’t tell me what, but I can only guess. They weren’t planning on throwing me a welcoming party.” Vulnerable, I took Prez’s hand. “That’s the other thing. My brother brought me back on his own. We escaped the Gods. He doesn’t know if he can return to Arkansas. If he defects, will you protect him? I kind of promised him you would already.”
