Page 94 of Valentine's Eve

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“You have to get that tattoo removed,” Kingpin said, speaking of Hallow’s property patch when I told him the happy news.

I agreed.

“You’ll wear mine,” he decided.

“But you don’t do tattoos.” I knew Kingpin liked to carve his K into women. He used to anyhow.

“You’re special. You’re the one. Even if you’re not ready to be my ol’ lady, you’ll do that much.”

I agreed to that, too. I was going to be having another baby with this biker. We weren’t even married. “Are you going to get my name tattooed on you, as well?” I asked.

Kingpin said, “Why not? I don’t plan on ever giving you up.”

I didn’t believe a word of that, the tattoo part anyway.

However, we were both overjoyed at the thought of having another baby. If it all went well. I moved into the Big House with our baby. Because I was pregnant, I didn’t want to get his tattoo as a tramp stamp like he wanted. I promised I would though, eventually. And I’d certainly get Hallow’s tattoo removed as soon as it was safe to. It would have to wait as well.

When Prince was six months old, I was two months pregnant. I had a full performance at Royal Road. We had plenty of eager babysitters, that wasn’t an issue. But I’d not felt up to it until then. Kingpin sat in the crowd on his goddamn throne. His eyes never left me as I sang. Just like before he was my anchor. But it was just a normal night. No holiday. No special party. Just Royal Road. But since it was my first full night back, the big bouquet of white roses wasn’t unexpected. Opry brought them on stage. They were from my man. My biker. He winked at me as I took them in my arms.

Then the lights came on, blinding me. Kingpin rose from his seat. I looked around afraid of trouble. I wondered if the mob was back. Or if Noah Fond had finally come for me. The possibilities were endless. The whole clubhouse stirred and then quieted. We all waited on pins and needles for the worst. Bikers drew their weapons. A woman screamed preemptively.

I never expected Kingpin to get up on stage with me and get down on one knee. He took my hand while Dimple appeared in his full Elvis attire, complete with rhinestones and began singing, “I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You.” The song wasn’t long but seemed to last forever. During it, Kingpin’s eyes never left me. I cried, ruining my face. I knew what was about to happen. I felt ready. Ready to spend the rest of my life with a biker I once feared. A biker I once loathed. A biker I loved more than anything.

When the song ended, Dimple handed Kingpin the mic.

“Eve, my Angel, will you be my ol’ lady, my queen?”

Nodding, I could hardly answer for the cheers that commenced.

Kingpin stood. He didn’t have a box or a diamond for me, but he took a ring off his pinkie. I hadn’t even noticed it was there amongst the ones he normally wore. The ring matched his, the one with the Royal Bastard’s logo on it, but it was yellow gold, like I preferred. Fortunately, it was smaller, daintier. Across it read the words, Property of Kingpin.

And as taken aback as I was, nothing could compare to what happened next. Kingpin took off his cut and handed it to Dimple. He stole his shirt over his head. Along his side, he had gotten my name tattooed on him, I saw Eve right away. I bent down to read it. He had, “My heart belongs to an Angel, Eve Strick,” tattooed along with Prince’s name, Prince Beau, and another, Angel Francis, which he’d already decided our new baby would be, boy or girl. Francis for my grandmother.

“It’s a good thing I said yes,” I remarked.

The fact wasn’t lost on me that he did it to prove his point. He did it because I couldn’t yet.

Then another surprise, Pagan and Villain carried in a large gift with a large red bow and sat it down beside Kingpin’s throne. They took off the wrapping draped over it like a sheet, revealing a matching throne, one for me.


“For my Angel, for my queen,” Kingpin said, taking me by the hand. He led me off the stage and down to it. I read the same words carved into the wood. Then two tiny thrones the bikers brought in afterwards were the icing on the cake. Outlandishly over the top was Kingpin in a nutshell. I couldn’t ask for more.

“Our babies will not be in the club house,” I said to him right then. But I knew that wouldn’t ever be completely true. There would be times when they would be, times when no one was topless and nothing illegal was happening. Sanctioned family friendly times.

Unlike before, I decided I wouldn’t wait to get married, but Kingpin wanted everyone from the whole club to attend from all the different chapters. That would take months to make happen. After Halloween, he wanted to make sure it was safe, too. And I didn’t want to be big and pregnant during the wedding. So, we compromised and decided to get married right away at the courthouse and have a big wedding in a year’s time, around the anniversary of this proposal. It’d give me time to recover from giving birth again, hopefully.

And not only would we tie the knot right away, but we’d also be going on a honeymoon right away. Kingpin couldn’t wait to get away. Pagan would play President while he was gone and Maddie Mae agreed to keep our baby. Since she didn’t get to see Sky’s baby and be the grandmother she always wanted to be, Prince fit the bill. Besides, she planned to marry Kingpin’s brother in the near future. He’d popped the question recently. She’d be family soon enough, my sister-in-law, strangely enough and was happy to help. I guessed it was better than her being Sky’s sister-in-law and mother. Moreover, the baby’s brother was there. Maddie was also keeping Little Johnny for a spell while Bubba was on tour. She had plenty of help from their staff. The kids would think they were cousins, but they were actually brothers.

Jassica and Pagan joined us as our witnesses at the courthouse. I dressed up for the occasion, wearing a simple white dress, cowboy boots and had a bouquet of wildflowers. Kingpin wore his cut and leathers. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Since I wasn’t showing yet, we stopped to take pictures downtown in Nashville. Jassica had offered. She turned out to be an amateur photographer, having all the equipment. Pagan and her took their leave and Kingpin took me on his Harley to Spring Hills cemetery so I could visit Donette’s grave. I left my bouquet on it. Proof that I was following my heart like she wanted me to.

After we were officially married, Kingpin and I had a small celebration at Royal Road. Then ended up on an island off Key West, Florida. He’d wanted to go farther, but I didn’t have a passport. He did but had never used it. And we couldn’t ride that far with me being pregnant, so we flew. It was my first time. And because he always rode his motorcycle everywhere, it was his too.

Waking up to a tropical breeze and sunshine streaming into open windows with my biker lying beside me, nude, I felt like I won the lottery. I was Mrs. Beau Strick, Eve Angel Strick. The ol’ lady to the President of the Royal Bastards MC: Nashville, Tennessee chapter. We had a beautiful baby back home and another on the way. I didn’t plan any of it. Hell, I hadn’t known I wanted it. It’d just happened. Slowly and all at once.

I knew somewhere, Donette was smiling down on me, or up at me, depending.

The End
