Page 100 of One More Night

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But then, she did, didn’t she? And she’s given me something no other woman has or ever will again.

My heart thunders in my chest, singing her praises as I slide all the way home, and growl. “I would hold on to something if I were you.”

Heather’s hands slap around the top of the door as she cries out for me, “Oh, yes.”

“This… amazing…” It’s all I can manage as that perky ass grinds into my pelvis as I spear my cock in and out of her decadence. The tang of sex fills my nose and lungs, driving the most primal parts of me absolutely mad.

Huffing a breathy laugh, she finally smarts off, “So eloquent.”

I smirk, nearing the edge, but unwilling to jump if she’s not right there with me. My hands roam as she uses the door as an anchor.

“It’ll never be enough.” I split two fingers around her clit, gliding along the forked nerves surrounding it. “I’ll never get enough of us, Heather.”

“Don’t stop. I’m so close,” she urges.

She frantically swipes around until her hand latches onto my wrist, the same way she had on our ride with Sparrow, silently asking me to stay.

“I’m not going anywhere,” I comfort her. Those thighs quake as I protectively curl my body around her back, thrusting deep and long. “Feel me right here, and let go with me, please. It’s the last thing I need from you.”

Loud, shuddering moans are music to my ears when she finally does, spasming fiercely enough to milk my release along with hers.

“Marcus,” she pants my name, her body going slack as she comes back to me.

I stay put a moment longer, holding her, feeling every pounding beat of our hearts as they sync together.

“Wait here,” I murmur at her temple, pressing a kiss over the dampened spot.

Snagging a clean cloth from the edge of my workbench, I wet it at the sink before grabbing Heather’s dress off the ground and shaking it out.

When I return to clean her up, a fresh rosy-red colors her arms, shoulders, and cheeks, highlighted by a thin sheen of sweat.

I capture her pink lips sweetly. “Are you aware you’re blushing, slayer?”

She wrinkles her nose. “I don’t blush.”

I kiss the tip, pulling her into me so her ear rests against the center of my chest. “You do when you’re with me.”

Sunlight peeks through the cracks above, refracting through the barn that meant so much to me as a child but means more to me now that it’s whole again and serving a purpose.

“Thank you,” I say thickly, desperately trying to get a hold of my emotions, all while refusing for this to be the last time we’re together this way. I’ll burn the whole goddamn world to keep her if I have to.

“You’re welcome.” She kisses my chest before resting the tip of her chin on my sternum, gazing up at me affectionately.

I swipe my thumb over her cheek and decide that I’m going to talk to Pen about my conversation with Mortie and my feelings for Heather. She’ll know exactly what to do—she always does.

“I’m never letting you go,” I say, hugging her to my body as tight as I can. Then I press my lips to her forehead. “How’s that for eloquence?”



Sinclair,” Alice barks when I answer her call.

“Mm-hmm?” I squint sleepily at my brightly lit phone screen.

She sits at her desk, prim and proper as ever, in a light-pink suit and only the finest quality makeup accenting her beautiful dark complexion.

“Wake up. I have something important to tell you,” she says while shifting her gaze around her office.
