Page 101 of One More Night

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Stretching in bed is nearly as orgasmic as Marcus tying me up in the barn yesterday. My forearms and shoulders are minimally sore, but the pulsing reminder of him between my legs will need to be taken care of soon.

“I don’t believe it.”

I absently wonder what time it is, as I yawn. “Don’t believe what?”

“You’ve been dick-matized.”

The remark startles me enough that I drop the phone on my face.

“Shit,” I groan, swiping around for the device before sitting up.

I rub my forehead, but when I catch sight of her judgey eyebrow, I scoff, “Me, sleeping with the enemy? Absolutely not.”

“Tell that to your sex-drunk eyes,” she counters.

I inspect my face in the tiny window of our video call.

I suppose I do have a certain glow.

“Oh, and the hickeys on your tits are a dead giveaway.”

Three splotchy purple marks are scattered over my cleavage. And I’ll be damned, I do blush.

“All right, well you’ve got me there,” I grumble, but my heart is steadily filtering adrenaline, waiting for whatever bomb she’s called to drop.

More pushy than usual, she cuts to the chase. “Just tell me you got the answer we were searching for?”

I may have learned that Leah is indeed, dead, but who was wearing her bracelet in the picture Alice sent me remains unsolved. But uncovering half the truth won’t be enough. She’ll want to know who was in that photo, and she’ll expect me to have the answer.

“I did,” I say, not willing to elaborate before I’m able to make a solid plan.

Relieved, Alice raps her knuckles on her desk. “Good, because I just got out of a meeting with the publisher, and he wants your story now.”

“What do you meannow?” I shake my head, grasping for a lifeline. “I’m still gathering some finer details.”

“You’ve been on the island for almost a month.”

After tossing the phone on the bed, I stand to put on my robe.

It hasn’t been that long, has it?

My brows pinch as I recount the date, only to find she’s telling the truth.

Alice heaves a sigh. “I know you’re living as if you’re on vacation, but you do realize you can’t stay there forever, right?”

“Of course I do.” My tone is uncharacteristically defensive. “I just thought I had more time.”

“Look, you’re my best girl. I know you’ve been working hard, butLuster’sreputation is riding on this, and it’s not just you who will have to answer to the big guy if you don’t deliver what was promised.”

I want to remind her that she basically conned me into taking this assignment when she flew me here, only to drop the Leah bomb on me after the fact. But then, I understand why she did it.

I’m dependable, quick on my feet, and I would never say no to an opportunity to prove my skills. And because, at one point, I was the girl who had nothing to lose.

Only now I feel as though I’m about to lose everything.

Ashamed by how easily I’ve lost sight of my purpose here, I swipe my phone off the covers and carry it with me downstairs.

“I need you to follow through, Sinclair.”
