Page 23 of One More Night

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If only to knock him down a peg, I relent. “Arrogance and irritation aside, for starters, you could have killed someone when you wrecked, and that’s not cool.”

A muscle jumps beneath his eye, and I ready myself to hit him with a slew of driver’s education stats.

“You’re right. That wasn’t cool,” he says solemnly.

Okay, that was unexpected, but I’m on a resentment roll, and I’m not stopping now.

“Secondly, you’re a player. And I spare no interest for a man who refers to the woman he’s dating as the ‘flavor of the month’ or who breaks up with his girlfriend for her best friend.”

The scandal with his co-star and long-time girlfriend, Bianca Richards, couldn’t fly off my computer and onto the press fast enough. I’ll admit, there may have been a middle finger neatly written between the lines of that story.

I expect him to fall back on the couch with a huff, not tilt his head as if he has no idea who I’m talking about.

The longer he studies me, the more restless I become. “Forgotten her so easily, have you?”

“Of course not,” he scoffs. “You just happen to know a lot about my life for someone who claims not to be interested.”

Sitting up, he leans close enough that we’re within breathing space, and despite my deepest hopes that his breath will smell as awful as he is, it’s sweet with hints of mint and surprisingly, void of alcohol.

“I read celebrity gossip just like everyone else,” I say while laying out the supplies I need to secure his foot and ankle.

His gaze turns scrutinizing before he finally puts some distance between us. “And do you always believe everything you read?”

No, but with the exception of Leah’s death, I do believe everything Iwrite.

Getting back to the task at hand, I unravel the wrap.

“So… is it true? About Bianca,” I question him after a heavy moment of silence.

I keep my eyes and hands busy so I don’t have to acknowledge his unwelcome attention on me.

“Yeah.” His voice is gravelly, yet resigned.

“That’s pretty shitty, don’t you think?” My hands hold a tremble I pray is undetectable.

From the corner of my eye, I catch Marcus watching my working fingers.

“I found out she was cheating on me.” He clears his throat, shifting to help me when I need a better reach around his ankle. “With that same best friend.”

I still mid-wrap.Holy hot take.

“So I took the heat from the media so they could date in private.”

Except the pair ended up outing themselves two months later, meaning he would have taken the blame for weeks on end for nothing. But the question is, why?

“Admirable,” I say, but it’s soft and delicate instead of the sharp stab it was intended to be.

He’s staring out the window again when I finally get the courage to lift my gaze. “Were you on some kind of trail ride around here?”

“You sure are nosey,” he mutters dully.

“Am I not allowed to ask questions?”

“The less curious you are about me, the better. In fact, do yourself a favor, and forget this ever happened.”

I’m not sure why I’m surprised at the wall he’s slamming down between us, but then, this is the same man who called me a roach.

“I’m just making conversation,” I grit.
