Page 52 of One More Night

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The warmth of his body wafts that intoxicating aroma off his skin. It glides through my nose before settling deep inside my lungs, coaxing a disturbing impulse to curl my fingers into his hunter-green tee and rub myself against him.

“If you had an ounce of decency, yes.”

“Would you look at that?” He watches me swallow around a building knot. “Guess I’m fresh out.”

Just how easy would it be for him to throw me over one muscled shoulder, toss me onto the bed, and strip me bare?

Clearing my throat, I press my pointer finger to his sternum and focus on his boots as I push him backward.

I fight it with everything in me, but the two of us naked and entwined is more clear to me now than any story I’ve ever written.

Marcus, tearing my shirt clean through the middle before reaching inside each cup of my bra, in search of my hardening nipples. That skilled tongue licking and sucking each one to the point that one swipe of my clit would detonate me.

I force myself to breathe. Alice’s seduction comment must be messing with my head because I wouldneverentertain the idea of sleeping with Marcus Matthews.

Except for that one time when we made an imaginary porno—and I suppose right this very second.


He wraps his hand around my wrist, giving an authoritative squeeze above my pulse, and that increasingly familiar static-charged shift swells between us. His thumb strokes my skin in wide, lazy circles, and this time, I don’t have to guess if he can feel my heart pounding, because his body leaning into mine whispersyes.

Softly, sensually, he asks, “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours, hmm?”

There sure seems to be a lot of naughtiness flitting around in those eyes of his, and my libido is definitely picking up what he’s putting down.

Pulling my wrist from his grasp, I rub the area as if to rid myself of his temptation. “I’m wondering if you make a habit of barging in on strangers.”

His forearms flex as he tucks them across his chest. “I heard a crash and wanted to make sure you were okay.”

“Ah, so just a good Samaritan, then.”

He snarls at my attitude, and now I know I’ve lost it because part of me enjoys evoking the reaction.

“If you’ll excuse me.” Backtracking to the stairs, I place one hand on the railing to head up and finish getting ready.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Marcus’s palm flies to my arm.

It’s the kind of grip that’s tight enough to stop me, but loose enough that I know I could move if I really wanted to.

“My date should be here any minute.” I sweep my free hand over my casual attire. “And I can hardly go out with Ernesto looking likethis.”

Glowering, he climbs the first step, standing tall and straight while staring down at me. “The lingerie you’re wearing… Is that for Ernesto as well?”

A hint of jealousy shadows his face as he stalks me up another step. For the life of me, I can’t figure out what game he’s playing here.

When I open my mouth to lash out, I’m silenced by a hand curling around my jaw.

“Don’t answer that,” he growls.

A blistering hot thrill pounds through my middle, confusing and arousing me at the same time. With his long fingers squeezing my flesh, and the webbing of his palm strapped across the tip of my chin, I couldn’t speak even if I tried.

My gaze narrows lethally, but my traitorous clit aches with arousal steadily pumping to it.

We glare at one another, unmoving and unwilling to break the tension, all while our ragged breaths become forbidden, chaotic chords to a song we never intended to play.

Marcus doesn’t know that I never planned on sleeping with Ernesto, but it bothers him, and for more than one reason, I want to know why.

“Yes,” I defiantly murmur, and when his hold loosens, an inferno blazes in his pupils.
