Page 90 of One More Night

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I crouch next to her little feet and pretend to knock on an invisible door. “May I come in?”

Without moving, she flicks her brown eyes to mine and nods.

Shuffling inside, I lie down beside her, making sure I’m not crowding her space before grabbing the squishy taco pillow next to my face. Once I’m settled, I offer it to her. “Wannatacobout it?”

“Are you gonna do that adult thing where you make me, even if I don’t want to?”

“Absolutely not,” I assure her. “You don’t have to tell me anything you aren’t comfortable with. But if you do want to talk, then I promise, your secrets are safe with me.”

I offer her a pinky, and Theresa cracks half a smile, glancing down as she stuffs the pillow under her arm. “Okay, so there’s this boy.”

I roll onto my side, propping my head on my hand. “Give me the tea, sis.”

When she turns to match my pose, I’m given an adorable, big-toothed grin. “His name is Thomas, and he’s a grade older than me and super quiet. Like, I was totally sure he didn’t like me, but then yesterday, after lunch, he kissed me.” She rushes to add, “Only on the cheek.”

“I see.” My smile softens, wondering if he could be the source of her upset before dinner. “And did you like that he kissed you?”

“Mm-hmm. Except, he won’t text me back now.” Her chin dips as she plays with the tag on the taco. “Do you think there’s something wrong with me?”

Oh, sweet girl.

I was not prepared for the slew of emotions this conversation would dredge up. The crushes, the boys, the feelings. When I was her age, I kept my head down and tried not to draw attention to myself. But honestly, I wish I’d given a few of those boys a real chance instead of locking my heart behind a steel door.

“There’s nothing wrong with you. Boys just have different ways of expressing themselves,” I say.

“They do?”

“I guarantee, Thomas is avoiding you because he really does like you.”

Her head tips in confusion. “Then why won’t he talk to me anymore?”

The same reason, I suspect, that fighting with Marcus is easier than giving in and accepting that he may genuinely care for me.

“Because finding the courage to kiss someone can make you vulnerable. And sometimes, when a person doesn’t like or understand those feelings, they avoid them.”

Her eyes widen as she says, “Ohh.”

I peer over at the door to see the very man taking up my thoughts, leaning against the doorframe. His arms and ankles are crossed, watching and listening with his lips quirking.

“Ladies,” he drawls, and I swear the two of us sigh, “I know I didn’t hear you in there talking about boys, right?”

I chuck the dragon pillow I’d been laying on at his head. “Get lost!”

Sitting up, Theresa pokes her head out of the tent and sticks her tongue out at him.

“Why you little…” Marcus unfolds his arms, and we fall into a fit of giggles, scrambling backward as he charges across the room.

“Heather!” Theresa gasp-laughs as he drags her out by the feet. “Help me!”

Sariah comes running through the door the moment he tosses her sister onto the bed.

“I’m gonna pee my pants,” Theresa cries as he tickles her relentlessly.

“No mercy!” Marcus snarls like a monster.

“Quick, the closet,” Sariah says, pointing to two foam swords.

I grab the purple handle while she reaches for the pink, and we descend on him with a fierce battle cry.
