Page 89 of Double Devotion

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“Come on,” he hugs her, and they disappear together.

I go back into the bedroom and Avi’s there watching TV.

“Are you done?” He looks at me.

“Sort of,” I let out a faint smile and sit in front of him. “Listen, Avi, if Michael is that important to you, then you should learn to respect his sister. You know that she’s the only family he has and that she means a great deal to him. It isn’t her fault that she fell so hard for you.”

“Sam,” he says angrily. “I’ve suffered quietly for his sake all these years. But I won’t be her toy.”

“Oh, God, no!” I continue. “But can’t you let bygones be bygones, and just be friends?”

“Does she realize that’s all there is?”

“It isn’t easy for her, but she’ll do everything she can not to lose you. Perhaps you should talk to her like you did with Lee?” I dare put in my two cents. My heart truly aches when I remember him hugging her fondly and caressing her hair.

I start moving uncomfortably.

“I could try, but she has to respect my space. And yours, of course.”

“That’s wonderful! I’m so proud of you,” I smile and hug him tightly. “Do it for me,” I say obsequiously, “please, do your best. It’ll make things easier for everyone now and in the future.”

“I’ll do anything for you. But I’ll do it for Michael and for her as well. I have no desire to hurt anyone. I’ll talk to her later, I promise.” He kisses my hand. “I’d like to turn over a new leaf,” he adds.

I smile with great satisfaction.

Chapter 25

“Avi, I think we should have a dinner with our families. Perhaps we should have them over for our last Friday dinner as single people?” I wink at him. “That way everyone can get to know each other in a more casual setting before the wedding. What do you think?”

“A great idea,” he agrees.

“So, I’ll ask Dean to play his acoustic guitar in the background. He’s so talented. I’m sure his music will set the right mood.”

Much to my delight, not only does he agree, but he also lifts me up, squeezes me to his body and spins around as he cries out: “Sam Rodriguez! You’re the absolute best!”

I’m overjoyed, proud and elated. It’s important to me that our families get along, and his friends and relatives come to know me. I’ve learned how important that can be from my two previous marriages.

I contact the caterer that Avi recommended and make a hearty order. Then, I personally invite everyone over and slave away the entire day, styling the table, placing a colorful tablecloth, polishing the dishes and cutlery, then scattering some fragrant potpourri and setting plates, three dishes for each guest.

“Well?” he looks at me. “Are you pleased now? Our living room looks like a flower shop!” he guffaws.

“Avi, stop it,” I defend myself. “Tell me you love it, please! It’s important to me. I want to create a pleasant, light, and warm atmosphere.”

“I agreed to love you, nothing more,” he keeps laughing. “But it really is lovely. I’m just teasing. Besides, you should know that once you become my wife, you’ll be the sole person in charge of this household. You’ll be the beating heart of this house. As far as I’m concerned, anything you do is wonderful. You don’t need my approval. Better yet, if you want to move things around, redesign or remodel the place – you can do as you wish. This is your home as much as it is mine.”

“Avi, you’re absolutely amazing. I’m a lucky woman! And speechless. I feel so safe with you, you’re my everything! Everything!”

“It’s mutual, my beauty. I have two more surprises for you. But I’ll save them for our Friday dinner.”

“More surprises? Have you lost your mind? It’s too much. You’ve completely gone overboard!”

“Nothing’s too much when you’re in love. When you’re head over heels,” he pinches my lips. “Everything I’ve ever achieved in my life, and everything I have, belongs to my family. Now, let’s go to bed. Tomorrow’s going to be a busy day, and I’d like to relax a bit in your arms.”

Morning comes, and the heaps of orders that I’ve made slowly arrive: hors d’oeuvres, main courses, salads, beverages of every sort, appetizing desserts, cakes, buns, bread rolls and more. I have to make sure everything is perfect. Our loved ones should know just how important they are to us.

“It’s all perfect and delightful,” Michael and Avi compliment me. I’m content.

I take a shower and get ready, finally choosing a thin, white, tailored but not-revealing dress. I put on a pair of turquoise boots, with wrinkles at the top and add a long necklace with small turquoise gems. I wear some light makeup and leave my hair down. I’m so excited! I step outside, hoping that this dinner will bring us all closer together. Michael sees me and immediately pulls me back into the walk-in closet, where he smooches me passionately.
