Page 15 of Where You Should Be

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“How long have you lived here?” I asked, trying to be sensitive.

I wanted to ask how long his grandmother had been deceased but thought that it was a little too straightforward. “About six years. How long have you been in Texas?”

“About three months.”

“You like it?”

“It’s okay, I guess. I don’t do much of anything. I go to work, the salon, and home. That’s it.”

“Well… maybe you’ll let me change that.”

My eyebrows lifted slightly. He didn’t see my reaction because he’d turned his back to me to grab the plates from the countertop. Maybe he didn’t care about the conflict of interest. There was only one way to find out though. “You don’t care about being seen in public with me?”

He frowned slightly. “No. Should I be?”

“Well, you’re the store manager, and I’m just a cashier.”

“Oh. You’re worried about people thinking you’ll get preferential treatment. You don’t have to worry about that. I’m getting a promotion, so I will only be at this store for another couple of weeks… three tops. I know that you’re probably thinking I only wanted one thing from you. At first… I did. After watching you, I realized that I wanted to get to know you. You stay to yourself, and you seem somewhat troubled. I don’t know, but I just want to try to see if I can keep a permanent smile on your face.”

My breathing quickened a bit. This wasn’t what I expected at all. I figured we’d be having sex by now. He set a plate in front of me, and my gaze shifted from him to the food. God, it smelled amazing. “This looks great, Van.”

I looked up at him, and he smiled. After getting drinks, he came back to the table and sat. “Listen, I’m not saying I don’t want to experience you, because I do, but if you aren’t comfortable, we don’t have to go there today.”

I respected him more for that. “Are you busy Saturday?”

“Naw. What’s up?”

“You wanna go to a wedding with me?”

“Yeah, sure. I’d love to.”

He grabbed my hand and prayed over our food then dug in. I went to the greens first and wanted to inhale them. “What type of greens is this? I can never tell them apart.”

“This is spinach. I have a hard time telling them apart, too, when they’re cooked.”

I smiled at him and continued eating. The food was delicious. I could see why he worked at a grocery store. He knew his way around the kitchen. “This food is really good.”

“Thank you. I’m glad you like it.”

He smiled and went back to his food. It seemed we were both struggling with conversation now. I was struggling because I was caught off guard. This felt like a dinner date, and I was pleasantly surprised. Finally breaking my silence, I asked, “What is it about me that attracted you?”

“Is that a trick question?” He chuckled. “You’re beautiful. Your hair is the attention getter. After your hair, your smile, although it has been missing for a few days. I’m glad to see it now though. You have a youthful disposition, and I like that. We’re only as old as we feel. I mean, I know I’m much older than you, but even people your age can be so bogged down with life until they feel older than they are.”

“Yeah, you’re right about that,” I said under my breath. “I have your money. Something broke free, and now I don’t need it.”

“Keep it, Chelsea. I’m just happy to be spending time with you.”

“I don’t wanna feel like I owe you.”

He lowered his head for a moment, then looked up at me and said, “I understand.”

I finished off the roast as he stared at me. Instead of making me uneasy, I was starting to feel turned on. I didn’t know if this was a game he was playing or if he was sincere about the things he said. I should have worn fucking underclothes. I felt like such a thot now. After closing my eyes for a moment, I heard his chair slide on the floor. When I opened them, he was standing next to me with his hand extended.

I took it, and he helped me from my seat. When the music started, I smiled. He pulled me close to him and began swaying to it. “Who’s singing?” I asked.

“Joe Poré, but this is on Brandon Williams’s album.”

“It’s nice. So is this.”
