Page 23 of Where You Should Be

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Seneca’s frown was deep, but he never pointed his gun at Jericho. He didn’t say a word. Tucking his gun back in his pants, he turned and left out of the house.Damn.He didn’t deny that shit either. Kaysyn had to be the one to file, but if he put that shit in her mind, he was fouler than her. Ali walked over to Jericho and said some shit to him, but he wasn’t loud enough for any of us to hear. This would be the first time there was drama within Watchful Eyes.

If I were Seneca, I would watch my back. If Jericho could kill his father and brother to protect Chelsea, he was nobody. He would take him out without a second thought. Seneca had better be glad he hadn’t done that shit already. We’d all witnessed what he’d done to Jules and were somewhat in shock that he would go that far. I knew he would kill him, but torture him? I wasn’t expecting that, especially that fucking saw.

Unfortunately for Seneca, everyone here was more partial to Jericho, except maybe Chad. That was only because of Seneca killing Fatima. Fawn came and stood next to me. “I’m gonna try to get some rest. I’m worn out.”

“You sure? It’s still early.”

“Yeah. I hadn’t had to fight in a minute,” she said then chuckled.

“You didn’thaveto fight this time either. Ain’t nobody told you to be a UFC fighter and shit. I know your mental fucking wit’chu though. You’ll have all my attention as soon as these niggas leave.”

I kissed her head as she wrapped her arms around me. Fawn was my baby and always would be. She didn’t like showing her sensitivity in front of niggas either. It was the way we were brought up. You couldn’t show weakness, or niggas would take advantage of you. Pops had taught me that lesson, and I’d passed it down to her and Mega. She would only cry in the privacy of her bedroom.

Vegas had told me that she barely cried at the funeral. He said when she was getting weak, Gutta hugged her and said something in her ear, causing her to swallow that shit. However, I always made it clear that she could be vulnerable around me. Her husband had made that known as well. As a woman, I knew she needed that outlet.

I used to watch my dad hold my mama for hours some days. Those memories stuck with me. I’d never cared about a woman enough to hold her for hours, but I knew the day I did, she would have to be the one. That was why I knew Chelsea had to be who I had been waiting for… needing. That very first day she was in town had me weaker than wet toilet paper. I’d held her on top of me while she slept for at least three hours.

As I watched Fawn head upstairs, the patio door opened, and Rondo and DJ walked inside. DJ looked around in awe at how beautiful the house was. My pops had designed this shit himself. It was a gift to my mama. The twenty-foot ceilings in the family area were the highlight in my opinion.

Rondo walked over to me and said, “What she did was fucked up. She gave me info on how you can find Darlena.”

“How did you get her to roll on her cousin?”

“I told her she would never see Sunni again if she didn’t. I’m glad this happened though. I know I sound selfish, but it forced me to realize that her ass ain’t changed.”

“It ain’t selfish, man. I’m glad it happened too. Now I know I need to be on guard for those muthafuckas. I’m more than sure there’s more of his family that want my head, my sister’s head, and even her husband’s head. He’s the one that’s actually responsible for that nigga getting killed. Niggas will do anything to get your spot, and that was what the fuck he was on.”

I didn’t mind sharing details of what went down with these niggas, because I trusted everybody here. If I didn’t, there was no way I would have these muthafuckas in my house. “I’ll make sure her ass gets to the airport. I’m heading to Alabama tonight to get my fucking daughter.”

“I’ll get her to the airport. You go ahead and head out. By the time she lands, you can be there. I got some shit I need to say to her anyway. I assume she doesn’t need a doctor.”

“She might. Your sister knocked one of her teeth out. Pain medication should hold her until she can get home.”

“I’ll call a doctor we deal with to come look at her right quick. Those ribs probably took a beating too.”

Rondo extended his hand, and I shook it. I could see the anger crawling all over him, and in this moment, we were kindred spirits. DJ came and shook my hand as well. “You have a nice home, man.”

“Thank you.”

When they left, Shy, Chad, Ali, and Jericho remained. We all sat in the front room as Shy said to Jericho, “I really wanna get involved in this fucking case. Kaysyn and Seneca have taken it too far. At first, I understood their stance on things, but to try to have her rights stripped from her is fucked up.”

“She wasn’t a threat. I understand why you don’t want to be involved. I appreciate y’all for trying to stay neutral in this situation. I need to warn you though. If that judge rules in their favor, it won’t be good. Either he’s gonna get fucked up, or I’m gonna have to leave Watchful Eyes,” Jericho said.

“Well, I don’t think we’ll have to worry about either. Ain’t no judge in their right mind should rule in their favor. That shit is a waste of money. Tell Chelsea to make sure she’s honest, and if there is proof about what she went through, to have it with her,” Shy said.

Everyone here was on Jericho’s side and understood shit perfectly. Why Seneca couldn’t see that shit was beyond me. That nigga had always had an evil streak in him. I thought he’d changed, but I supposed whenever he felt threatened, that shit resurfaced. Jericho was his brother though. He wouldn’t let Chelsea stab them in the back.

I slowly shook my head as Chad said, “I saw a nigga outside my house last night before we left for Houston. I’m sending Lexi and Foster to be with her dad in Dallas for a little while. I can’t risk my family getting hurt. I know I told y’all to chill out last night, because we were all getting ready for Mel’s turnup, but that was a mistake.”

“Well, I’ll be there with you tonight,” Jericho said. “I’m still waiting on that nigga to reach out. Hopefully, it won’t be too much longer. We need this shit to be done ASAP.”

“Hell yeah. I’ll be there tomorrow after I take Fawn to the airport. So Lexi going to Dallas now?”

“Yeah. Skyler and Dylan got them there for me. They left when I did. This muthafucka need to be a done deal. I’m sick of his shit.”

“Believe me, bruh, weallare,” Ali added. “I’m gonna head out. Riley hadn’t been feeling that great, so I need to get her and Aina home. I’ll hit y’all niggas up tomorrow.”

“A’ight, man. Give Riley my best,” I said.
