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If we’d actually been deep in the mating process, our scents would’ve started intertwining, so me and the other girls had to stay inside for the most part.

That wasn’t abnormal for us, though.

And considering that now, the other fae could see me and smell me—and probably reach me—I knew everything was about to blow up in our faces.

“Hurry!” I yelled at Priel, gripping his fur tighter.

He didn’t speed up, but a few more minutes passed, and I realized none of the fae chasing us were gaining on us. If anything, they were getting a little further behind us.

Priel kept running, and the distance between us and them started to widen.

And eventually, I couldn’t see any other fae on the horizon.

It was just me, and him.

He slowedas we approached some jagged-looking rocks. I expected him to stop and let me off before we reached wherever we were going, but all of the sudden, he dove downward, and the ground seemed to drop out from underneath us.

A yelp escaped me as we plummeted into some kind of hole.

He landed smoothly, and I slowly lifted my face off of his back so I could look around the area. It seemed to be some kind of cave, and thanks to the magic coursing through my veins, I could see in the darkness of the room without a problem.

Before I got a good look at anything, Priel started to shift, and I flung myself off his back. I collided with the hard, smooth stone floor and instinctively made a pained noise even though it didn’t really hurt.

A pair of gigantic hands grabbed me around the waist, plucking me off the ground and setting me on my feet.

“What are you doing?” The bastard sounded amused.

I stepped further away from him. “I’d rather not end up plastered to your human body, considering youabductedme.”

“There’s nothinghumanabout me, female.” His eyes reminded me of my own transformed orbs. The reddish-gold scared me every damn time I looked in the mirror.

I couldn’t stop my gaze from sliding quickly down his body.

The man was a fucking work of art. He was massive, thick everywhere and much bigger than any human man could possibly be. Red, black, and gold tattoos covered almost every inch of his skin, and since all he had on were a pair of colorful shorts, there was plenty of skin showing.

I hadn’t actually been calling him human; I wasn’t that moronic. Priel couldn’t have passed for a human if he tried, and he definitely didn’t.

But it had annoyed him, so I just shrugged a shoulder and stepped to the side, intending to check out the cave he was holding me in.

He had made it very clear that he wasn’t interested in being anything other than fake mates, so I knew he wouldn’t try to feel me up or anything. That removed pretty much all of the fear that should’ve been involved in the abduction.

His voice followed me as I walked away from him. “I haven’t slept more than an hour or two in months. My pack will keep the other fae away while we’re here, so I can rest. When I’ve recovered, I’ll take you back to the Stronghold.”

I didn’t respond, my eyebrows lifting as I took in the walls of the cave.

They looked like the walls of my room.

Minus all of the death, of course.

And the hidden bits and pieces of my sex dreams featuring the hellhound who wanted to keep things very, very platonic between us.

I’d been dreaming about him long before I drew his name and ended up fake-mated to him. I had tried to convince the other women to consider letting us choose our fake mates, too—or at least let us each have a veto to make sure we didn’t end up with, oh, the fae we’d been sex-dreaming about for a year.

It hadn’t worked, and of course, I drew the flaming bastard’s name.

My gaze moved slowly over the images on the walls. Most of them were gorgeous landscapes—renditions of Vevol’s beach, of its trees, of its mountains. Many of them featured the flaming bear-wolf creatures that the fae called hellhounds.

I was one of said hellhounds, though I had managed to stop myself from shifting thus far.
