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That was fine though. Not like anyone looked at me anyway.

I dropped into the ugly (but comfortable) green chair and set the envelope of cash on the table. I may have exaggerated theneeding to eatthing to Axel; I’d already eaten my last can of pasta. Or half of it, I supposed, since I’d left the can on my bed while I was getting dressed. I was supposed to be getting paid tomorrow, though, so I’d survive until the next day.

Iris coughed in the other room.


She was probably hungry.

What was Axel going to think when I let her drink my blood?

Guess we were about to find out… after I counted the cash in the envelope.

I started pulling out bills.

My eyes widened when I realized they were all fifties or hundreds.

“Holy hell,” I whispered to myself, staring down at the thousand-dollar piles I’d made.

There were ten of them.


I had never seen that much money in my life. Never. Not one fucking time.

That would be enough to pay a rune witch to fireproof Axel’s house, if I wanted to leave.

Enough to pay for power for way more than a decade.

Enough to eatrealpasta for years.

“No more canned spaghetti,” I whispered to myself.

Tears were stinging my eyes, but I was 100% okay with the fact that I was crying over pasta.

Pasta was worth crying about.

“I take back every negative thought I had about being mates with a werewolf,” I whispered to Axel, rubbing his head with both of my hands. “Every one. If you were a person, I’d kiss you right now. Pasta is definitely the way to my heart. Definitely.”

He licked me across the face, and I snorted. “What a ham.”

He licked me again.

“Remember how much you like me in this moment before I go down to work, okay?” I asked. “Because I’m probably going to be pushing things a little with that, but there’s no way around it.” He nodded, and I lowered my forehead to press against his furry one. “Thank you.”

The wolf nuzzled my neck, and I hugged him tightly.

This definitely wasn’t how I’d expected the day to go, but I was okay with it. Completely okay with it.

Iris coughed again, and Axel shot a suspicious glare in the direction of her room.

“That’s my roommate. She’s my best friend, and the closest thing I have to family. She’s a vampire, and when a vampire’s mating process starts, it begins with an illness called the mate fever. Or just the fever. I’ve been bringing every vampire I meet—and every other myst I can convince—up to her, but haven’t found a compatible mate yet,” I explained quickly, feeling my cheeks redden.

The wolf frowned at me.

“She can’t go out and find her own meals, so I feed her. She drinks my blood, about once a day. It doesn’t affect me, other than making me hungrier.”

His eyes narrowed, and he growled.
