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I didn’t want to agree. Compliance would make him think he could just order me around, and that wasnotokay with me.

But he definitely didn’t seem like he was joking.

And I didn’t want to be responsible for anyone’s death.

So I stepped up next to him.

His thick fingers slid into my fur, stroking the back of my neck lightly. It didn’t feel anywhere near as good as it had when his hands were on my skin, but it was still kind of nice.

Not that either of those facts mattered. I was not going to be with this guy as his mate.

He’d turned me into a werewolf-demon-hybrid thing, which definitely disqualified him from all of the many sexual thoughts that had come to mind when I looked at that ass.

We began to move, quickly. I had to run a little to keep up with the massive werewolf man, but luckily I didn’t trip over any of myfourfeet. That felt like a miracle, but I wasn’t about to thank Axel for it.

He was the reason I hadfour damn pawsnow.

The nightclub hadn’t opened yet, so we only passed by a few other employees, all of which gawked at the sight of my wolf-self (which was apparently on fire) jogging next to a massive, naked, golden god of a man.

Chrishien’s bodyguard was following behind us, as if he frequently tracked wolves and sexy naked dudes.

Yeah, we were quite the sight.

A few minutes later, Axel was opening the door for my apartment, barking at the bodyguard to wait outside.

When the door shut behind him, Axel crouched in front of me.

I tried like hell not to look down at his junk, and he helped me do so by distracting me with words.

“Hey, beautiful,” he murmured to me. His hands were buried in my fur, and he sure as hell took me aback with that nickname.


When the hell had he decided to call me that?

“My wolf wants to run with you soon, but for now, I need you to let your human—or demon, I suppose—take control. We only have a short time to grab her things and get out of here.”

Understanding had my eyes widening.

The man and wolf were separate for him. Two different beings, sharing one form.

But I didn’t have a wolf.

It was just me.

I had no idea how to tell him that, though.

Or how to shift back.

A noise came out of me that sounded like a whine.

“It shouldn’t be too hard. Just let her take control of your body, and the shift will follow automatically.”

I whined again.

There was no one to lettake controlof me.
