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“Not working? Not a big deal. I’ll ask her roommate what to grab.” He stood, scratching the back of my head lightly as he jogged to Iris’s room.

I followed him quickly and tried to stop him, to tell him he needed to put pants on. But even when I bumped his thigh with my nose, he didn’t understand what I was saying.

So, he just waltzed right into Iris’s room, naked.


Iris chokedon her own spit when she opened her eyes and saw my golden god of a mate in her bedroom, naked.

“We have an hour to clear out of here,” Axel told her, his gaze flicking to me. “Morgan is stuck in her new wolf form, so I need you to tell me what all to grab for her.”

Iris’s face turned a little green as she struggled to a seated position, but Axel didn’t offer her a hand.

Considering he was naked, and she didn’t know him any better than I did, that was probably a good call.

“Don’t have much,” she managed to rasp. “Furniture was free. Ignore the kitchen. Just grab the clothes.”

Talking was always much easier for her soon after I’d fed her, so it was a damn good thing I’d insisted on doing so before I attempted to go to work.

Axel nodded, jogging to my bedroom and stepping inside. I had one duffel bag from the day I’d moved into the apartment a few years ago, and he found it folded in the corner of my closet.

His jaw was set harshly when he saw the one tank top hanging up, next to five other empty hangers.

Maybe he’d thought Iris was joking when she said we didn’t have much.

Axel plucked the shirt off the hanger, then went to the plastic drawers I’d set up underneath the hanging clothes. He seemed to grow more tense when he realized most of them were empty.

My dirty-clothes pile held the few outfits I had left. He shoved them into the bag a bit more harshly than he needed to, then went to the bed and peeled the old quilt off of it, shoving that in the duffel as well.

Picking up my pillow, he lifted it to his nose and inhaled. When he pulled it away, his eyes were red, and he quickly stripped the sheets off the bed before sticking them and the pillow into the duffel as well.

After zipping it closed, he tossed the strap over his shoulder and stepped into Iris’s room. She was sitting on the floor by her closet, her head tucked between her knees as she struggled to breathe.

Fear for her wellbeing hit me hard, and I whined.

“I’m going to carry you down to my truck,” he told her in a low voice. “I can take you back to Moon Ridge with us, or drop you off somewhere safe.”

“Moon Ridge,” Iris panted.

There was nowhere safe for her.

She had a few friends at work, before the fever took her, but now all she had was me.

At least the damn werewolf hadn’t been determined to leave her behind.

“Alright. Ready?” he asked her.

She nodded jerkily, and he looked at me. “I have no romantic feelings or attraction toward your friend. She won’t make it down the stairs without my help, so I’m going to carry her. Is that okay with you?”

Why the hell was he asking me that?

Of course it would be okay with me.

I nodded anyway.

He plucked Iris off the ground and strode toward the front door.

“Why’d you ask her?” Iris panted.
