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The bedroom Iriswas going to be sleeping in already had a queen-sized mattress in it, which was nice. The thing was covered with a drop cloth, which I found strange, but I watched quietly as Axel removed the cloth and made the bed quickly and efficiently.

“I don’t live here,” Axel explained to me, as he got the room situated. “Housing is really cheap in Moon Ridge, and the older generations make sure that as we reach the age of finding mates, we all have our own space. It prevents a lot of fighting, and helps make the newly-turned women feel more at home.”

He crossed the hallway, and I followed him.

“Male wolves can’t control the nesting urge as we get closer to meeting our mates. We stock up on supplies and food, toiletries, and pretty much everything else you can think of, so that we’re prepared to provide for our females. My pack doesn’t live like the rest of the werewolves in town, but there was no way out of nesting, so we keep homes prepared for our mates. Honestly, we’re a few years older than most wolves are when they find their females, so we were fairly confident that we’d end up permanently single.”


So he was saying, without actually coming out and saying it, that he didn’t want a mate.

And considering that he had just said‘Morgan will be in my room’, and that he only kept the home prepared for his woman, he didn’t intend on us being actual mates.

Which didn’t bode well for me.

At least, not in many ways.

I mean, I hadn’t wanted a mate. Not really.

But I kind of did.

Finding one so suddenly was a shock to my system. I had been trying to stay afloat since my fire transported me to him. I hadn’t rejected him or anything, so the fact that my stupidly-attractive, possessive werewolf mate didn’t want me even though he had only just met me?

Kind of a kick in the ass.

I was still free from Mist Valley, though.

And that was what really mattered.

Axel took the drop cloth off his bed—which was going to be my bed—and started making it too. He’d brought my bedding from my house, but for whatever reason, didn’t even pull it out of my bag.

Actually, he had yet to put my bag down.

“Female beta wolves are known for having long mate chases,” he explained to me as he made the bed. “So I don’t expect you to bite me soon. As you know, that’s what will end the second phase of the mating process. Or the werewolf mating process, at least. I’m not sure about the demon side of things.”

I scowled.

He’d love the hell out of the demon mating process, from the sound of things. During the first part, he wouldn’t be able to leave me without my flames bringing me back to him. During the second, he wouldn’t be able to touch me, or my flames would burn him.

The third part was the same as the wolf one; allll the sex.

Or all the pain, if you avoided all the sex.

No one avoided the damn sex, though.

Maybe I’d have to figure out a way to do that. The alternative would probably be me getting way more attached than I should when we had sex, given the fact that Axel didn’t want a mate, and I was kind of a sucker.

Or maybe I’d just let myself enjoy being with him for as long as I had. It wouldn’t be long until he ditched me and all my craziness to live in the forest like he was damnTarzan.

Either way, without realizing it, he had just given me a ticket out of my wolf form.

Biting him.

It would trigger the climax, which would trigger me to shift, right?

Shit, I hoped so. I was really tired of being furry.
