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His hesitance told me I was right.

“You plan on living in the forest with your pack, right?” I asked.

“I do,” he admitted. “We’re family. They need me. Our Omega, Kai, has a son, and—”

Lifting a hand in the air, I cut him off.

“I don’t want to know,” I said simply.

He looked a bit taken aback.

“I can’t live in the forest,” I explained. “Or rather I could, but I don’t want to. You saw the place I lived. I’ve been hungry for nearly a year at this point. I couldn’t afford clothes. My apartment didn’t even have power, because I couldn’t pay the damn bill. Now that I’m out of Mist Valley, for however long I have, I plan to enjoy it. Eat real pasta. Take long baths. Get a job, if the council doesn’t drag me back to hell in the next few days. I have freedom now; I’m not going to throw it away so I can live in a tent and have dirt in my hair constantly. And if I’m not going to live near you, or with you, then I don’t want to know you.”

A moment of silence passed.

I added, “I’ve never had any steady relationships in my life other than Iris, so I get attached too easily. Being attached to someone or something that isn’t permanent will just lead me to heartache, and I’ve had enough of that.”

Axel finally said, “Our connection will be permanent, regardless of our preferences. My wolf will seek you out, even if you don’t have a wolf to hunt me down too.”

I shrugged. “Then I’ll scratch his head, feed him some spaghetti, and let him sleep on my feet until he gives the control back to you. We can just be acquaintances.”

Whatever Axel was thinking behind those intense eyes, I didn’t know.

The desire in my lower belly was clenching painfully, though, and I’d officially decided that I was not interested in suffering through the climax when I could enjoy it.

“Alright,” Axel finally said.

“Good, that’s out of the way.” I brushed some hair out of my eyes, knowing I probably looked like an absolute wreck but not caring in the slightest. The need that had swelled inside me was unreal, and I was ready to do something about it. “If you’re on board, I think we could manage an acquaintances-with-benefits thing. Since we’re not going to do any of the emotional attachment shit, we might as well enjoy each other’s company through the climax, right?”

Heat flared in his eyes. “Right.”

“You can’t be with anyone else, and I haven’t found anyone interested in me, so—”

“No.” His voice was a harsh growl, and his hands landed on either side of my face, tilting it up so our gazes collided. “You can’t be with anyone else, or my wolf will lose his fucking mind. End of the discussion. You may not have a wolf, but we are mates. Even without an emotional connection, physically, you belong to me.”

The possessiveness in his voice made me shudder a bit.

“Fine,” I said.

As long as he didn’t kiss me, we could have sex whenever the hell we wanted, for the rest of our lives if that’s what we wanted.

Actually… that would require us not getting too far from each other, considering the impact of my flames.

So I would have to kiss him after the climax ended. Then he could go back to his pack. Considering that he’d never fall in love with me, the climax would probably be the beginning and end of our sex lives.

Before I could say any of that, Axel added, “And if we go through the climax together without talking about our lives, or our families, or anything of substance, the sexual relationship doesn’t end. If you need me, or I need you, we meet up. I’ll get you a phone to make it easier.”

I couldn’t agree completely without lying, so I scowled. “I’ll get myself a phone.”

“Fine. You agree?” He bit out the words.

Guess I wasn’t going to spring the shit about needing to kiss him to live our separate lives on him until the climax was ending, then.

He kind of deserved that, though, since he had so little interest in even giving things a chance between us.

“Yes. Sex without strings attached, and mates without love. Easy enough.”

He jerked his head in a nod. “How do you want to do this?”
