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My cock ached for my female, and my chest hurt at the fact that I couldn’t roll over and look at her gorgeous, bare body beside mine.

But I didn’t fucking dare touch myself.

We’d made that a rule between us during the climax—and I sure as hell wasn’t going to be the one to break it.

The next time I saw her, I’d make sure she wasn’t going to either, if only because I couldn’t handle the alternative.



I handedIris my phone when we got to the bar, like I had since the first day there, because my magic and my phone didn’t exactly work together. She was currently living in the townhouse that belonged to Kai, whom I wasn’t sure if I’d met, and was loving the privacy. I officially hated living alone, and probably annoyed the hell out of her with my constant neediness, but she was enjoying feeling more alive again too much to tell me to fuck off.

It was my third day of work, including the night I went in to ask about a job, and shit, it had all happened like a dream.

The owner, who had been working at the time, gave me the job on the spot. He spent hours that afternoon, evening, and night teaching me how to make the drinks, too, and then we’d done the same for nearly fourteen hours for my second shift. I was used to working a lot, and wanted to get everything down.

And honestly, it had been a fucking blast.

I was good at it. Good at something,finally.

Even the drinks I didn’t make perfectly became delicious with the addition of my magic. I’d never had a reason to use them on anything on purpose, but now that I’d tried, I was an addict.

It was justfun.

And watching people’s eyes widen as they tasted the magical drinks was even better.

He hadn’t told anyone about me the first two nights I worked, content with teaching me the drink combinations. But when the werewolves showed up, and tried my drinks, they went home and told their friends.

And so, for my third shift, the place was absolutely packed.

The owner and I were both working together. He mixed three-quarters of the drinks, but I was getting faster, and he handed each of them to me before I gave them out to the person who had ordered them.

“Can I get a mojito?” Ebony, who was one of the women from Charly’s pack, called from the other side of the bar.

The music was loud, and there were people everywhere. My face was flushed, and my happiness undoubtedly had me beaming. “Of course!”

I made it quickly, dipping a (well-scrubbed) fingernail into the glass to catch the drink on fire. I didn’t actually touch the liquid as I focused on the blissed-out sensation people were looking for, and then handed the glass over to her after my fire was burning in the cup.

She smiled and thanked me, before crossing the room to her mate. He was just as sexy as the rest of the werewolf men, but he was taken, so I didn’t look too hard.

There was a whole group of single werewolf dudes staring at me from their section of the bar anyway, if I had been looking.

But I wasn’t.

Or at least, I was trying not to.

And sort of failing.

But one of the guys kind of looked like Axel, and it was messing with my mind, so I kept migrating in that direction like a stupid firefly to a lightbulb.

He had basically rejected me.

I hadn’t heard from him, or seen his wolf, since he abandoned me in his townhouse. Now mine, according to the paperwork I’d signed yesterday morning.

Full-on rejection never really happened in Mist Valley, but the silent kind, where a person wasn’t willing to fall in love with their partner?

All the fucking time.
