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“Morgan,” Axel snarled at me.

The music was loud enough to give me plausible deniability.

So, had I heard him?


I calmly poured the drink into the glass, then dipped my finger into it and lit the thing on fire.

What it was, I had no freaking idea.

As I turned, a massive hand plucked the glass from my grip, then slammed it on the countertop.

There was no more ignoring him, so I finally turned toward Axel, my jaw set firmly.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

“Working.” I gestured to the drink, which was still flaming. The fire would go out soon.

“In that?” He tossed a hand toward my tank top.

“Would you prefer I made drinks in the nude?” I drawled.

Fury blazed in his eyes, but they didn’t turn red. “Come on. We’re leaving.”

Now it was my turn to feel the anger. “Excuse me?”

“We. Are. Leaving.”

“My shift doesn’t end for another hour, and last time I checked, you can’t force me to do a damn thing without getting roasted. Literally.” I grabbed the glass off the countertop. The fire had gone out, but the magic would still be embedded in the liquid.

“Don’t test me on this, Morgan.” His voice was low and feral, and I was fuckinghere for it.

Not that I could let him know that.

“Why? What are you going to do if I disagree? Stare at me?” I taunted. “Leave again?”

Cold, hard anger blazed in his eyes.

He looked over his shoulder, and found his packmates standing near the front door, watching us.

They apparently weren’t getting involved.

And Char and Ryder had been there for a few hours already—so I knew they weren’t going to help Axel either.

Axel finally ground out, “We need to talk.”

“You didn’t want to talk until you found out I was working here, so I think that’s going to be a no from me. Solid effort, though.” I snagged the drink off the bar.

My emotions were all over the place as I turned away from him, lifting the glass to my lips and tipping it back. My magic wouldn’t work very well on me, as far as I was aware, but there would still be a buzz. And I needed that.

I’d never gotten drunk before, but this seemed like the perfect night to try that shit out.

The sweet flavor of the drink lingered on my tongue as I put the glass away and accepted two more drinks from my grinning boss.

When I turned around to deliver them, Axel had taken a seat on one of the barstools, and was staring at me with that same hot fury.

Not gonna lie, it was kind of turning me on.
