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I could roll with that.

“I need to get up,” I told the wolf.

Had I learned his name yet?

Nope, didn’t think I had.

Did I want to know his name?

Not really, to be honest.

I probably should’ve, though.

“Who are you?” one of the newly-shifted werewolves asked, staring at me with a look of utter bewilderment that almost made me snort. “How did you get out here?”

“I’m a demon,” I said, scooting away from the wolf so I could ease up to my feet. Someone tossed me a shirt, and everyone turned around. Probably a good call, since my shiny new mate was already growling at the newcomer-werewolves. “Somehow, I’m fated mates with your… wolf friend.”

One of the guys snorted. “Wolf friend?”

“Pack member,” Nico clarified with a growl. “He’s beta.”

I tugged the large, manly-smelling shirt I’d been thrown down my thighs, eyeing the hem. It was really damn huge.

How big was its owner?

I assumed said owner was my new mate, considering he wasn’t pissed off that I was wearing some guy’s shirt.

“Right. Well, then, Beta…” I trailed off, not sure if that was his name or what. “Let’s get going. You’ve got to have a car around here, right? If I can’t get back home before my shift tonight, I’ll be roasted. Literally.”

The wolf seemed to be frowning at me.

That was new.

I didn’t have time for new, though.

My gaze lifted to the guys, all of which were huge and attractive. One of them looked like he was trying hard not to bust up laughing, while the others seemed to be varying degrees of pissed and bewildered. And the wolf pup had turned into a little boy with light skin and a head of blond curls, who was just really damn adorable. “Where’s his car?” I pointed down to my wolf-mate.

“At his house, in town,” Nico said. His expression was one of the more neutral, slightly-bewildered ones.

“What town?” I checked.

I honestly didn’t know where any werewolves lived, but I was hoping it was one I’d heard of, at least.

“Moon Ridge.”

I blinked. “Seriously?”

Moon Ridge?

As in one of the towns nearest to the myst city I lived in?

Werewolveslived there?

“Seriously.” Nico’s bewilderment was fading into a solemn expression.

I ignored it.

“Well, that’s convenient.” I brushed dirt off my ass. “Can one of you give me a ride to his car?”
