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I pushed Axel’s hand off my hip, forcing him to release me, and stood.

“It’s better hiding in the forest, afraid of interacting with an entire gender because someone might possibly hurt me again,” I said bluntly. “Some of us have to actually face our problems, or we don’t get to fuckingeat.”

Spinning toward Axel, I flung my hand out toward him. “Keys. Now.”

His nostrils flared.

I could see in his eyes that he was going to argue. Ask me to stay. Or maybe just insist on driving me home.

“Your friend insulted me. You didn’t stand up for me. Now, I’m walking away. Give me the keys, or I’ll throw your shit out the window when I get home like we’re living in a damn chick-flick.” The level of rage I was dealing with was probably unhealthy, but screw health.

Axel’s eyes burned into me.

I stared right back, fury blazing too hotly to care about his glare.

Or his feelings.

The bastard had hurt me, whether he realized it or not.

He finally put the keys in my hand.

When I stalked back to the truck, he followed hot on my heels. “I wasn’t a—,” he started.

I cut him off with a snarl. “You don’t get to decide you didn’t hurt me.”

I opened the truck’s door, and slammed it shut behind me. The window was still open, though, so it wasn’t like there was a wall between us.

I turned the truck on, and he leaned into the window.

“Mo,” he growled. “You’re running away from me.”

“Yeah, I am. You know why?” I asked.

There was a moment’s pause.

“Because you don’t know what you want.” I tossed a hand toward the tents outside. “You don’t want to live without me, because of your instincts, and yet you don’t really want to livewithme, either. If you did, you would’ve already packed your shit and brought it back to our house.Myhouse.”

His jaw clenched, but he didn’t deny it.

“You want to be a part of my life, and yet you don’t really want me to be a part of yours. If you did, you wouldn’t have lied to me about your past—and you sure as hell wouldn’t have let your friend mock me like that. That was awkward for everyone involved, and despite what all of you seem to think, it had nothing to do with women. All of this? It was on you guys.”

“You wanted us to be friends and nothing else,” he growled back. “You don’t want me to be a part of your life; you said that clear as fucking day.”

“Do you seriously think I ever wanted a mate who would be myacquaintance, Axel? You told me you weren’t going to live in that house with me, and I told you what I could handle in that situation. I grew up reading fairytales; I wanted Prince Charming. Not a fucking sex friend.”

Dropping my hand to the gear-shift, I put the truck in reverse.

Axel didn’t move, and I shot him a warning glare.

His grip on the truck’s windowsill was so tight I worried he’d break something.

“You can pick up your shit tomorrow morning. I’ll pack it up tonight,” I said.

His fingers dug into the truck, and his eyes went red.

But when I began to reverse the vehicle, he finally stepped back.

I didn’t let myself look in the mirror to see if he was still there when I drove away.
