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Tears trackeddown my cheeks as I drove. I’d seen flashes of fur outside my window, and was nearly positive wolf-Axel was following me through the forest.

My feelings for the wolf weren’t nearly as complicated as they were for the man.

I knew the wolf wanted to be by my side, snuggled up with me, protecting me.

And I knew the man hadn’t decided what the hell he wanted.

Halfway through the dirt road, I tugged my phone out of the glove box and dialed Iris’s number. I wasn’t on fire, by some miracle.

“Hey,” she said, sounding sleepy.

“Hey,” I managed.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s fine. I’m fine. Axel just…” I trailed off as my eyes stung. “It’s fine.”

“You’re crying, Morgan. It’s notfine. Tell me what he did.”

I gave her a quick summary of the day and what had gone down with Axel’s pack in the last hour. By the end of my explanation, she was cursing his name and gorgeous, buff face.

The gorgeous and buff part were my addition.

They didn’t soften the blow for her, though.

“I’ll meet you at your house,” she promised. “We’ll burn his shit together.”

“We’re not burning anything,” I said with a sigh. “It’s fine.”

“For the love of blood, Morgan, it’s not fucking fine!” She practically yelled the words at me. “My sick, exhausted ass will be sitting on your damned porch when you get there, whether you like it or not. And you are going to be angry, because you should be.”

My eyes stung more. “Okay.”

At least I knew my vampire friend wasn’t going to abandon me.


The driveback to my townhouse felt like it lasted forever.

When I finally pulled into the garage, Iris was indeed sitting on the porch—but my tears had dried.

My anger had faded, too.

And it had left a sad, resigned acceptance in its place.

Axel would probably come back. He’d apologize. Maybe he would offer to change.

I just…

Didn’t know.

Was I even interested in his apology? Did I even want to be with him?

Those moments we’d spent on the couch, bundled up in our sweats and sweatshirts, had been some of the best moments of my life. The peace I’d felt, wrapped in his arms… nothing had ever compared to that for me.

What if I could come home to that kind of comfort after a long day or night of work?

What if I could wake up to it?
