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What if things could just always be happy?

If life with Axel could be like that all the time, and he showed up and apologized, I didn’t know if I’d be able to turn him away.

Or if I evenshould.

I closed the garage, calling out to Iris that I’d come and help her. She flipped me off, which made my lips curl up in a half-smile as I headed into the townhouse.

A minute later, I had the door open and was helping hersick, exhausted assinside.

“You don’t look pissed,” she grumbled at me, even though she was breathing hard as I practically dragged her to the couch.

“I’m not pissed anymore,” I admitted, as I eased her to the cushions and then plopped down next to her.

The damn furniture smelled like me and Axel, which made me all happy and confused.

“You should be,” she argued.

“This is all new for him just like it’s new for me,” I said. “I might’ve overreacted.”

“If someone treats you like shit, you’re allowed to overreact,” Iris countered. “And from what you told me, it doesn’t sound like you did.”

“I’m just oversensitive about that stuff.” I lifted my knees up, dragging them to my chest as I curled up a little. “They were judging me, and I just panicked. I shouldn’t have.”

“They were being dicks on purpose, and you had an emotional response because most of the people in your life have been dicks to you,” Iris shot back. “That’s not oversensitivity.”

“Still, I could’ve calmly told them to fuck themselves.”

“You basically did.”

I heaved a sigh. “Why won’t you just let me throw myself a damn pity party?”

“Because you’re pitying them, not yourself.” She glared at me. “Tell me what you’re really thinking, Morgan.”

I wrapped my arms around my knees. “I want Axel. I want the life we had yesterday. The way he held me. The way I felt.” I bit my lip. “I walked away from him, and he deserved it. But what if staying and talking about it could’ve helped me reach the life I want?”

Understanding flooded her gaze. “He makes you feel good?”

“Exactly.” I leaned my head against the couch.

“And he didn’t say anything rude about you?”

“No.” I closed my eyes. “And you know how men are.”

“They don’t always pick up on social cues or know how to react in the moment,” Iris agreed. “Even if he did pick up on the cues, it probably surprised him to have his own friends acting like jerks to you.”

“Yeah. The guy saying the jerky shit was smirking while he was talking. If I were violent, I would’ve wanted to punch him in the face.”

Iris snorted. “You’re a werewolf now. Pretty sure that’s the definition of violence.”

My lips curved upward slightly. “So what do you think I should do?”

She sighed. “Give him a chance to explain, probably. If he doesn’t do a damn good job, though, you should kick his ass to the curb.”

I nodded. “Probably.”

“Not probably, Morgan. Definitely. Anyone who doesn’t treat you right can watch your foot enter their rectum.”

I made a face. “Gross.”
