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“Did some part of you hope that your mate would be passionate about training wolves too?” I asked him, as we got dressed. “Does it bother you that I’d rather spend my time chatting with half the town?”

Axel snorted. “I didn’t think I’d ever find a mate, Mo, and assumed that if I did, she’d want nothing to do with me. The fact that you didn’t scream and run when you saw me is more than I hoped for. You being outgoing and friendly, while embracing your magic… that makes me happy. I just need to wrap my possessive brain around the fact that you’ll talk to other men.”

A grin tugged at my lips. “I won’t let them touch me.”

“I know you won’t.” He clenched his fists, and I assumed he was resisting the urge to pull me into his arms and kiss the hell out of me. “Just prepare to be smothered when we walk out of that damn place.”

A laugh escaped me. “Deal.”

His uncertainty and that fierce overprotectiveness would fade in time, I hoped. When he was used to the idea of what I did for work, he’d come to accept that there was nothing sexy or romantic about it for me—and then he wouldn’t be so paranoid about it.

“Maybe the next time I have a few days off, we could try camping together?” I suggested, as we headed back down the stairs. “I don’t know if I’m ready to deal with your pack again, but it could be fun to get out in nature together. And your wolf would be thrilled.”

“That would be incredible.” Axel dragged me into his arms. We were both careful not to let our skin touch—and we were getting better at it by the day, as shitty as it was for both of us.

“Just imagine, sex under the stars,” I said into his shirt.

“I am,” he agreed, lifting his hand to tickle my waist. A shriek escaped me as I wormed away from him, and he flashed me a wolfish grin as I backed away.

“Don’t do it,” I warned him.

His grin only widened—

And then he tackled me.

We wereboth sporting a couple of rapidly-healing burn marks by the time we climbed into the truck, but we were grinning widely enough that neither of us cared.

Now that we’d been talking more, things were just easier between us.

Easier, and happier.

And a hell of a lot more fun.

Something told me that by the time we were in-love enough for our flames to let us touch each other, the possession—which was the demonic version of the climax—would be a complete blast.

An orgasmic one, of course, but still. I was thinking that if we had that much fun wrestling while trying not to touch each other’s skin, sex could be even more playful—and hot.

It was hot enough as it was, but add in that sexy way we had started to tease each other…


Axel sat at the far end of the bar throughout the late afternoon and evening, sipping water and watching me work. I would’ve thought he’d be bored, but he shooed me away with a light smack to the ass whenever I went over there to check on him.

I was getting slightly better at making the drinks, my memory working overtime. It was fun to focus on it, and to try to learn something new after so long at my dead-end job.

But the more I saw the blissed-out looks in people’s eyes, the more I remembered the way I’d been bent over the toilet, vomiting.

I… hadn’t felt like myself.

And I wasn’t sure I liked it.

I didn’t have a problem letting the werewolves put themselves in that boat—they could make their own choices, and I didn’t give a shit about that.

But I wasn’t so sure I wanted to put that look in people’s eyes five days a week, for the rest of my life.

The night passed quickly and uneventfully, and when we went home, my man did indeed smother me. He was way more snuggly than I’d ever considered.

We fell asleep in each other’s arms, and it was perfect.
