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A feminine moan made my fists clench.

Of course my squatter was a fuckingwoman.

That was just my damn luck.

At least I’d already found my mate. That was over and done with; I’d never have to relive that particularly awful brand of hell. I hadn’t been rejected, so my wolf wasn’t dying, or warring with me. And the bastard seemed just fine living the single-parent life, so there was no reason to worry about anything mate-related.

I heard a hard thud, and my fists clenched tighter.

The vomiting woman had just passed the fuck out, hadn’t she?

I scowled fiercely, and then tried to loosen my expression a little.

If she was unconscious, I’d have time to drag her out of my house, drop her on her sick ass in my lawn, and remove all of her shitty candles and whatever else she’d brought with her.

Hell, if I got lucky enough, maybe I’d even have time to drive her and her shit out to the middle of town and leave her there before she woke up.

I strode through the bathroom’s open door, my mind made up completely—until I saw the woman in question.


I’d never met her in person, but I recognized Morgan’s best friend from the description I’d been given—and the blood in the toilet.

Which the vampire had undoubtedly just vomited.

I didn’t know why she was in my house… but I knew I couldn’t drive her out to the middle of town and drop her there.

I flushed the toilet quickly so my stomach would settle down, then kneeled next to the unconscious woman. With one hand, I checked for her pulse. With the other, I fished my phone from my pocket and dialed Axel’s number.

“Hey,” he said easily. The bastard was way happier than any fucker had a right to be now that he was with his little demon.

“Why is there a vampire in my townhouse?” I growled back at him, letting out a slow breath when I found the steady beat of her heart.

My eyes kept trying to trail over her figure, but I went to war with them. One glance had been enough to see that the woman was fucking stunning, but I didn’t deal with women anymore. Not a damn chance.

“Ryder and Charly moved her in when Morgan and I first brought her to town. Didn’t he call you to make sure you were good with it?” Axel checked.

“No, he fucking did not.” I stared at the vampire female’s face.

Her bright orange hair should’ve looked stupid with her ghostly-pale skin, but it didn’t.

It looked fucking gorgeous.

I forced my gaze to lift to the cabinets.

“Shit. Sorry, man. I thought you knew,” Axel apologized. “I’m sure Nico would be fine with letting her stay until his mate comes around. We just assumed your place would be the safest.”

The safest, because I wasn’t going to wolf out and drag my mate back there.

Fuck it all, the bastard had a point.

“Is it normal for her to vomit blood and pass out?” I growled into the phone, changing the subject.

Axel paused. “I don’t think so. Morgan’s right here; give me a minute.”

A few seconds passed.

My gaze dipped back down to the gorgeous, unconscious woman. All she had on was a thin, light pink lace bra without any damn padding—her fucking nipples were showing through—and a pair of matching panties.
