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Not that I noticed.

Fuck it, fine, I noticed.

I wasn’t blind.

But still, I shouldn’t have been into her. I’d never looked twice at a woman since Elle screwed me over so badly. Lucas was the only good thing to come of the mating that was supposed to be the highlight of my life.

No number of gorgeous women had been able to catch my attention this way.

So why did I find her so attractive? I shouldn’t be getting a hard-on in my fucking bathroom, with an unconscious vampire.

“Morgan is panicking,” Axel said into the phone, finally. My gaze jerked away from the vampire. “Apparently that only happens when the mate fever gets dangerous. Iris is either really close to meeting her mate, or to dying. She didn’t tell Mo about the vomit, so it either just started, or she doesn’t want Morgan to know.”

The length of time the vampire woman had been unconscious told me that it probably hadn’tjust started.

“Okay…” I trailed off. “What do I do?”

“You don’t need to worry about it. Mo’s already on the phone with one of the guys at the top of Iris’s potential mate list. She’s going to get every unmated bastard in town to the vampire’s door, to heal her and see if one of them is her mate. We’ll head into Mist Valley and start offering the other vampires cash to come to town and meet her if that doesn’t work.”

Fierce possessiveness surged inside me.

That couldn’t have been a good sign—but I couldn’t fight it.

“No. I’ll feed the vampire,” I practically snarled into the phone.

There was a long pause. “We need to find her a mate or the fever’s going to kill her, Kai.”

Fury was blooming within me, and I didn’t even fucking know why.

“Keep the unmated bastards away,” I roared into the phone, before hanging up and dropping the damn thing on the tile floor.

Iris was still unconscious—and I still needed to do something.

My clumsy fingers pushed a few strands of hair away from her face. It was damp with sweat, and her forehead was burning up. Lucas was still in that stage where he picked up a new virus or bug every time we went out in public, so I was no stranger to fevers—but the vampire was much hotter than my son had ever been.

Something told me that was a bad sign.

I lifted my wrist to her lips, uncertain about how to make her drink from me. In TV shows, I’d seen people tear into their own skin to make it easy for someone to drink from them. But Finn had asked Axel how Iris drank a few times, and he had said it was just two tiny pricks of the girl’s fangs in the person’s wrist.


I didn’t fucking know what to do.

Iris didn’t bite down on my wrist. She was still unconscious, so of course she didn’t.

But how the hell did I wake her up?

I forced my breathing to level out so I could think straight.

Maybe it was a natural, survival-instinct thing.

If I just… I don’t know, sank her fangs into my skin, would she start feeding on me?

It was the only real idea I had, so I was going with it.

With the wrist that wasn’t pressed to that sexy little mouth, I carefully pulled one side of her top lip upward, exposing a wicked-sharp fang.

