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This time, his voice was so low I barely heard it at all. “Should something happen, my full name is Viervo.”

My eyes widened.

Giving someone your full name, in Vevol, gave them power over you.

No onegave out their full name.

“Vee-air-vo?” I quietly pronounced the name, trying to embed it in my memory. Admittedly, I was terrible at remembering the fae’s strange names, and the pronunciations were even more difficult.


I swallowed roughly, still staring out at the lake. “Thanks. I’m not going to need help, though.”

There was another brief moment of silence.

I felt more than saw Ervo’s body slowly tensing.

“Should something happen to you, I would burn this whole fucking world down to get you back,” he finally said.

The unevenness in his voice surprised me, but I tried not to show him that.

“Like a brother, right?” I asked.

He blinked. “Of course.”

I shook my head, turning and striding away before I could overthink our relationship even more than I already had.

It was time for me to move on. Life in Vevol might not have been short, but it definitely wasn’t long enough to continue mooning over a man who loved me like a sister.

“Ready?” North called from across the beach.

“You have no idea,” I called back.

She grinned, and I shifted forms. My body grew and elongated until I was in my slim, sapphire dragon form. I was much smaller than any of the other dragons I’d seen, which Ervo had said was because I was female. When I compared the size of him in his phoenix form to the size of January in hers, it made sense.

And I didn’t hate that he was larger than me, regardless of our form.

But I wasn’t allowed to think that about him.

Or to feel that about him.

It was time to focus.

Time to change the damn world… even if said world was small, and full of people I didn’t particularly like.

North and Sunny climbed up onto my back, both of them still in their human forms. North was a hellhound and Sunny was a basilisk, so they needed a ride across the lake, to the supposed hiding place of a group of fae women. Dots and January were both phoenixes, so they could fly themselves, but they were constantly on fire given the nature of their forms.

I knew phoenixes could put out their flames because Ervo had done so for me when we’d been abducted by a bunch of hellhounds. But it took constant focus, which Dots and January hadn’t quite mastered, so I’d been elected to carry the other girls.

I didn’t mind. Honestly, it felt good to be needed, even just in the way a boat or car was.

Ervo’s hand landed on the side of my neck, and my head jerked toward him. I knew it was him before I looked, because of his stupidly-incredible smell.

“Be careful,” Ervo told me, his voice low. “I’ll fly with you for as long as I can.”

Not knowing what to say to him, I just nodded.

“Is there a force field or something that will prevent them from going in with us?” Sunny asked North.
