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“Not that I know of.” North shrugged.

“There isn’t. If there was, we would’ve found it by now,” Priel said.

“I wish I was going,” January grumbled from a few feet away. Her arms were crossed over her chest, and Lian’s were wrapped around her abdomen.

From what I’d gathered, they weren’t going anywhere near the female fae’s hiding place. That was probably the best call, even if it wasn’t what she wanted. Bringing a pregnant woman into an unknown situation that could potentially be dangerous wouldn’t exactly have been smart.

Off to the other side, I noticed Nev and Dots talking, and she was smiling, of course.

That girl typically always smiled when she was talking to him. I wasn’t sure exactly why they hadn’t gotten together yet, but she always told me that they were just friends, and she wasn’t interested in more.

“Let’s get moving!” Sunny called out from behind me. “The sooner we drag more women into this shit, the better.”

A snort escaped me, and a puff of smoke with it.

I felt Ervo’s gaze—and the palm he still had on my neck—but ignored both of them.

The other gazes I felt belonged to a group of hellhounds who thought they owed me their lives, but that shit could wait a few days.

Or a few years, if I was lucky.

“Alright, I’m ready,” Dots agreed, though she sounded reluctant. “What are the odds that the women like fighting as much as the men do?”

“Pretty high, I’d guess,” North said with a shrug. “Only one way to find out. If it’s triggering, you can fly back here and wait with the guys and January.”

Ervo went unnaturally still beside me.

That wasn’t a good sign.

“Wait,” Priel growled. “You think they’re going toattack you? And you want me to watch you fly away on the back of a dragon who just barely learned to shift? Not a damn—”

“Go, Mare,” Sunny yelled.

The old me from a few weeks ago would’ve stopped to overthink it. To consider all the options. To debate that shit.

But the old me had been ripped out of the comfortable home she considered a sanctuary, wounded by a random fae man, and dragged across a magical world—only to watch the man I trusted most literally sever a head from a body.

My life had flashed before my eyes, and when it did, it occurred to me that I hadn’t ever really felt alive.

Now, I was going to live.

Even if it killed me.

So I pushed off the ground, flapped hard, and carried us into the sky.

We wouldn’t really have a head start, but hopefully we wouldn’t need it.

Furious roars followedus into the sky.

“Hurry!” North yelled.

I was already going as fast as I could. Dots was right behind us, too.

“Do you really think they’re going to attack us?” Sunny yelled to North.

“I have no idea,” North called back.

Sunny muttered something I couldn’t hear, in response.
