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The women stared at us.

We stared back.

They… didn’t really look like us.

Their skin seemed to run in the same varying shades of brown, black, tan, olive, and white as ours, and they had magical tattoos the same way some of us did, but that was where the similarities ended.

Their eyes were larger. Wider. Rounder. The colors of said eyes were brighter and more vibrant, too.

Their magical tattoos were bigger, covered more of their skin, andglowed.

Their fingers were tipped with long nails, shaped into claws.

Where we had different degrees of curves, they were flat-chested.

Every inch of them was roped in muscle, just like the fae men. And considering that the fae valued strength, I had a feeling that was going to be an extremely attractive quality to the men we interacted with.

Looking at them, I understood why Vevol, the world’s goddess, had hidden them away. And why she allowed us to be brought to her world.

Because we had still been humans once—we were still from Earth.

But the female fae belonged to the goddess.

“I definitely think they like fighting,” Dots whispered, and I realized she and Sunny had come up behind North and I. “Is it too late to change my mind?”

“Yup,” Sunny muttered. “We come in peace!” she called out, stepping up next to North, and dragging Dots with her.

One of the fae women stepped forward, emerging from the trees as if she had been a part of the forest.

My eyes widened at the sight of her markings. They weren’t glowing, like the other women’s; they were brands, like North’s.

I looked at the others, checking for other brands, but found nothing. All I did was get a better look at the women.

Unlike us, they had on flowing dresses. The dresses looked like they were made of a similar fabric to the stretchy, fireproof clothing the seelie fae wore, but had sweetheart necklines, no straps, and a massive slit up to the belly button, revealing what looked like a thin band of underwear.

So basically, they were the sexier, more magical version of us.

For the most part, that was a relief. They would take a lot of the male attention.

But… at the same time, what would it mean for me?

I knew it was a selfish question, but I’d never found a fae man who wanted to be with me, and honestly, that was something I wanted tremendously.

A sexy male fae to rub my feet while I read? Or to talk about books with me? Or to cook with me, asking me about my day?

Or just to look at me the way Lian looked at January, and the way Priel looked at North?

Shit, I ached for that. For all of it.

But the one man I had ever been interested in saw me as a sister, and was cock-blocking every other guy who might be attracted to me. At first, I had wanted the cock-blocking, because a hundred suitors was way too many.

I had regretted that decision for months, though.

“What are you?” the fae woman with all the brands asked. She had dark brown skin about the same shade as mine, and her bright-white hair was done in gorgeous box braids that draped over her shoulders and fell below her ass. Given the wild genetics the fae seemed to have, I would’ve put money on the hair being natural.

And hell, the woman even had a sexy accent to go with all the rest of her hotness.

I noticed some kind of vines wrapped around her head like a crown, and realized she had to be a leader of some sort.
