Page 8 of Hot and Rowdy

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He doesn’t back off. In fact, he’s getting closer. Cassie’s seen this fella before, and from how she’s acting, they haven’t had the best history.

“You owe me. Just one date, Cassie.”

“Not interested.”

“You come to the bar as a single woman and act like this? You’re going to be single forever, you know. You don’t have a lot of options in a town this small, you turn me down and you’re going to regret it.”

I don’t know this Doug guy, unusual for a little town like Burly. Maybe Jennings knows something about him, because he seems a few years younger than me. But I’m not liking him.

I walk up behind him as he continues to badger Cassie. “Come on. Lunch at a diner. I’m sure we have so much in common.”

“Sir,” I say, cracking my knuckles. “The lady said no.”

He turns around. “Who the fuck are you?”

“A concerned citizen.”

I then crack him in the nose. Not enough to do any real damage, but enough that he goes stumbling back, trips over the curb and falls onto his ass.

Cassie looks slightly impressed.

“You best fuck off, little man,” I say. “Unless you need more convincing.”

He chatters his teeth and scrambles to his feet. “Fucking rednecks! See, this is the kind of guy you’ll have to settle for!”

I rub my hands together. Been too long since I’ve been in a proper fight. Don’t think this guy would give me one, but I’m more than willing to defend Cassie’s honor.

One more step toward him, and he’s running. Gotta say, I’m impressed at his speed. He has that going for him.

Cassie looks at me in surprise. “Uh... I guess that takes care of that then.”

“Some guys just can’t take no for an answer. And when they don’t take no, words cease to work and you need to find alternative solutions.”

“Like punching him in the face?”

“It worked, right? He’s not bothering you anymore.”

She laughs. “You’re right about that. Maybe I should stick around you, it’ll discourage Doug from ever bothering me again.”

“I think I’d like you sticking around me too.” I smile gently at her. I’m no brute, no matter how much I enjoy busting faces of guys who deserve it. “What’s the story with Jennings and Danny?”

“Jennings says he’ll ride Danny home on his horse so he’s not stranded at the saloon.”

“Riding a drunkard home on a horse seems like a vomiting good time. I’m not jealous of my brother.” We walk side by side back to my horse.

“Hey, he has to get home, and I don’t think even a small town like Burly smiles on drunk driving.”

I offer her my hand. Still tentative, she takes it, and I hoist her up onto Monterrey, getting her on the saddle and guiding her hands to where they need to go. A moment later, I mount up behind her.

She’s surprised that I’m behind her. “I thought usually the driver went in front.”

“Think this is better for the weight distribution. And I can hold on to you this way.”

“Hold on to me?”

I wrap an arm around her waist, and she gasps, shooting me a smile. I pull the reins and Monterrey reads my mind. Cassie gives me her address, and we’re on our way. We’re not racing in the slightest, because I don’t want this ride to end.

Cassie is awkward, and overwhelmed by everything going on around her.
