Page 26 of Boneyard Tides

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Sighing, I turn to face the door. I need to think of a plan. A real one. Broken trust is the greatest heartbreak of all. Peeking beneath my sheet, I look down at the bikini I am wearing, the same from the night before. Moving through the bedroom, I pull open the top drawer of the dresser and take out a bright green bra and matching underwear. Both lace. Not my ideal kind or something I would choose, but with three men in the house, I’m hoping it does what I need it to do.

Rushing through the shower, I scrub all of the dirt from my skin before drying off. Slipping into the underwear, I tiptoe out of the bathroom, listening for any other voices. Music thuds against the walls of the house, voices drift through the cracks of my door.

What the fuck.

I squeeze the door handle tightly, pulling it open just enough to hear.

“Oh my fucking God!” someone squeals in excitement, wrapped in an old song from 50 Cent.

I slam the door closed quickly, backing up until the backs of my legs hit the end of the bed. What the actual hell is going on down there, and why the fuck does it sound like there are more people here than usual?

Change of plans—I need clothes, apparently. I scurry into the walk-in closet, turning the light on and reaching for the first clothing item I see. I wriggle into a tight crop top and a pair of jeans before tying the laces of the Converse.

Running my hand through my hair, I look over myself in the mirror quickly, almost like it’s one last time. My hair curls over my shoulders in soft, natural waves, my cheeks a little red from the hot shower. I don’t need makeup although I like wearing it, but tonight I won’t. Unfortunately for me, whoever it was who chose to stock up on everything in this room didn’t think much about my makeup.

But they did my damn underwear.

I brush my hair one last time, checking my teeth before scurrying out of the bedroom door. The deeper I go down the hallway, the louder the voices become.

Holding my breath, I round the corner to where I know the kitchen meets, banging into someone.

“I’m so—”

“—Girl!” Cooper’s hands are on my upper arm, holding me in place. “Why didn’t you tell me that you had been holed up here in this? I would have kept you company!” He clears one of his nostrils with his finger, shaking his blond hair away from his face. “No, seriously.” His head moves over his shoulder, and my stomach falls to the floor when I see Sparrow on a sofa, a cigarette in his mouth. “He is hot, girl! But don’t worry. I totally covered you with your mom and left a message on her phone.” He follows my line of sight when he realizes I’m not paying any attention to his words. “I approve of him! Though he’s a little old, isn’t he? What is he? Late twenties?”

My mouth closes and opens before I look up at my best friend. “What?”

“He told me that you had been here with him on a fuck fest! So, we called off the search party!”

Right. Of course there would have been a search party. And of course Sparrow would have covered that the only way he knew how.

I smile up at Cooper, but the dumbass is way too high to see through my facade. “Yeah…I’ve been here.”

He takes my hand and yanks me farther into the kitchen. “Well, you are coming home with me tonight!”

The music changes to a slower song. The beat is heavy, and the tune hypnotic. Among all of the people I see from school, I find Sparrow on the sofa, his legs spread wide and the same cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He takes it between his fingers, tilting his head to the side.

“Look, he is fucking hot,” Cooper whispers behind me, and even though I know it’s true, I also know that there’s a side to Sparrow that he hides. He probably hopes people are so distracted by his good looks that they’re not going to ask about the demons he hides in his closet.

“I’ll be back.” I close the distance between Sparrow and me, ignoring the girls who are standing around the sofa he’s on.

Lowering my body down onto his lap, I grip his hair from the back of his head, heat flashing to my cheeks when the corner of his mouth curves up in a smirk. Since he told lies, I may as well play along with them.

His hands fall on my ass, the cigarette still hanging out of his lips, and I reach for it, taking it out and bringing it to my own.

Leaning down into his ear, I whisper, “What the fuck is going on?”

He drags me over his crotch, and I bite down on my lower lip to stop myself from being obvious of how good it felt. “Your mother had sent out a missing person alert…” his whisper feathers over my ear. He leans back, studying me intently.

Sparrow is painfully attractive. The harsh outline of his sharp cheekbones and classic good looks, he is everything that I want to hide from, yet keep for myself.

“Figured better fix that.”

I turn over my shoulder to the spot where the body and Malyk would have been.

“It wasn’t real.” Sparrow’s hands come to my upper thigh, and I try to ignore the way his skin leaves a rampant fire in its wake. “Unless you want it to be.”

“So, this is your answer?” I ask, a brow arched. “Throw a party and invite the people I know? You don’t think my mother is going to wonder where I am?”
