Page 9 of Untold

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“I’m walking you up. As you know firsthand, my mom raised me right. And so did my dad, for that matter. Don’t move.”

Grinning, I stayed put while he got out and came around to my door, then opened it and helped me out.

“Such a gentleman,” I teased.

“With you dressed up to the hilt, I’ve gotta be,” he said, tossing a charming grin my way, and though I would never admit it aloud, it melted a little corner of my heart. Normally I could stand up to Holden’s flirty charmer-boy act just fine, but something about the romance and love in the air at the wedding had me acting sappier than I’d ever been in my life.

Once in the elevator, Holden leaned against the back wall and turned serious.

“Chloe, thank you for going with me tonight. I know big crowds of people aren’t your thing.”

“I like your family,” I said, shrugging. “It was good to see them after so long—and at a celebratory event instead of a sad one.”

“Amen to that. Seriously, I guess I subconsciously needed you there tonight to set me straight about Faye, my mom, all that.”

“I’m always happy to set you straight.” I purposely kept it light.

He only cracked a half grin as the elevator doors opened on the sixteenth floor and we exited and went left.

In front of my door, he said, “I’m glad you knew my mom so well, EVP Chloe.”

“Me too.”

“Thanks for talking me down. I owe you one. You’re the best.”

“You don’t owe me a thing. Consider this the beginning of paying you back for all the times you rescued me over the years.” He’d always been that way, from grade school on. Seriously, how could a girlnotcrush on this man?

He stood up straighter and puffed out his chest like a total goof.

I smacked him lightly on the arm, laughing, shaking my head as I took my key out. “Want to come in?”

“I’ve got a long drive back to Dragonfly Lake, so I better not.” He went serious yet again. “Seriously, you’re the best, Chlo.” He leaned in and kissed my forehead.

I swore to myself I was not going to dwell on that, told him good night, and walked into my apartment, fighting off the smile.

* * *
