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“Firstly, that you have revised your opinion about my supposed eligibility and now seem to consider me marriageable after all.”

This met with a sound of faint protest.

“And secondly, that you would even consider the captain would entertain any interest in me at all. You must comfort yourself that I’ve not run away to get married. I am not so lost to depravity as that.”

Becky moved into view, her downcast face and bevy of equally Friday-faced friends telling the all.

“Ah, you will have to please excuse us, Mrs. Cleever. I see Miss Mannering needs me. Good day to you.” She nodded to a sympathetic looking Mrs. Crouch and found a tight smile for Lady Bellingham, which faded the instant Frederick glanced her way. Apparently, she need not worry about him anymore. From the way his gaze passed her without recognition, in what could only be considered the cut direct, it seemed he had well and truly got over his infatuation. Perhaps he’d find a more worthy young lady to give attention to.

She reached Becky’s side at the same time as the lieutenant, whose soft enquiry if she was well was followed a moment later by the deeper voice of the captain. As if her head was mastered by an expert puppeteer, Theo’s gaze rose to connect with his.

Warmth lay in his eyes, warmth that seemed to leap across and land inside her chest. Her heart thudded at such nonsense, and conscious that others were staring, she forced herself to look away, to pay attention to what Becky was saying.

“Why must I leave?” the girl complained. “It really is most unfair. Why can’t I stay here with Theodosia?”

“Becky, my dear, this is not the time,” Theo murmured.

“Always been too lax with her,” Mrs. Cleever sneered with a loud sniff.

Theo stiffened, but a sharp retort was withheld at the captain’s deep voice. “I wonder, Rebecca, if we could perhaps talk of this at home.”

Becky seemed set to protest, but a glance at Theo, and Becky’s fervor collapsed into a muttered “very well.”

The weight of the captain’s attention returned to rest on Theo again. “Forgive me, Miss Stapleton, but I wondered if you might be free to attend a small repast at Mannering today. Consider it a chance to see whether you approve the changes made since your last visit. Becky visited yesterday and thought it very fine.”

So that was where she’d been all day. “I did not know she had gone.”

Another hiss from behind her. “So irresponsible! Gallivanting around the countryside.”

“She probably wished to spend some time saying goodbye to the place, as it were.”

He’d spoken softly, but she could not be sure that other ears had not heard, that they’d not speculate and gossip. “Thank you for the honor, but—”

“Miss Stapleton,” interrupted the lieutenant with a genial smile. “Let this day not be one of buts. Please say you’ll come.”

“Very well. I can answer for my mother, as we have no previous engagements.” She found a smile. “And I believe we shall be able to offer something in the way of food, from all that was prepared last night and yet not eaten.”

“A shame things occurred that way due to the small-mindedness of some,” the lieutenant muttered.

The small-mindedness of nearly all, save the minister and his wife.

Theo accepted the lieutenant’s proffered arm, as he drew her to the carriage. “At least she has had the chance to say goodbye here. And to be fair, ’twas not the first farewell dinner held, so there is that.”

“One cannot have too many farewells when one is truly loved,” he said.

“I suppose not.”

He handed her into the carriage, then gallantly helped her mother in too, while Becky was slowly being escorted by her uncle.

“Mama, I trust you are well.” Truly she seemed a little pale.

“Oh, my dear.” She held a hand out to her, and Theo clasped it. “How will I ever do without you?”

“Mama, it is Becky who is leaving us. I shall still remain.”

“Of course. I was forgetting.” She closed her eyes, sinking against the cushions. “I am so very tired.”

“Captain Balfour invited us to share a nuncheon at Mannering, but we need not attend if you do not feel well.”
