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“I cannot help wonder if that niece of mine would prove amenable to any change of plan.”

“She can be a trifle headstrong at times.” Like the time Becky had locked herself in her room. “What should be done?”

His lips curved in ruefulness. “I hesitate to suggest such a thing, but I am not sure if a curricle will prove the best mode of transportation.”

“How so?”

“It’s generally only suitable for two, and yet …”

“And yet what, sir?”

“Miss Stapleton, I don’t suppose you would care to join me on a drive?”

“To Coldstream?”

“I imagine Becky would much prefer to see you than her ogre of an uncle.” He smiled. “Your presence always brings a measure of joy.”

Her cheeks grew hot again, the warmth in his eyes chasing the tension from within. Perhaps sheshouldgo and have something of the adventure they had talked about yesterday, even though the cause was so reprehensible.

“If you were to come, then it might make certain explanations easier when we reach the Toll House.”

He studied her, brow furrowed as if uncertain she’d agree. But how could she refuse? Not when Becky’s reputation demanded such a drive, a drive that would prove Theo’s last with him. Her heart panged again. “How long would it take to get there?”

“Truly, you would come?” At her nod, his features eased. “We could be returned by sunset, barring any accidents.”

“Of course.” Her lips curved. “I suppose I should not ask you to assist me in such a high-handed way without being willing to attend also.”

He looked at her keenly. “I would not have you come if you were unwilling.”

“Oh, but I am.”

He raised a brow.

She blushed. “Willing. To come with you.”

His expression warmed. “Then let us tarry no longer. In fact, if you pack a small valise, I shall speak to your mother and beg her permission and seek the general’s permission too. I hope they shall take pity on a poor uncle as myself.”

“I’m sure you will find Mama at least will not be too hard to convince.” Her mother adored the captain. Grandfather, on the other hand …

“So go pack, and perhaps find something warmer to wear whilst I seek your mother’s blessing for such a venture.”

A short while later she was kissing her mother’s cheeks, her valise being stored in the curricle Robert had hastily uncovered and hitched up. “I don’t expect to be too long, but if anyone enquires where I am, please tell them I am on a drive with the captain.”

“Theo?” her grandfather called.

She rushed back up the steps. “Oh, Grandfather, you do not mind us looking for Becky?”

“She needs looking after, as do you my dear. Now go.” He gruffly drew her near and kissed her stained cheek, then released her to her mother.

“God bless you, my dear.” Mama bestowed another kiss on her cheek. “I think your actions are very wise. One should seek happiness as one can.”

Theodosia eyed her mother oddly, then straightened, noting inksmudged fingers as Mama handed a note to the captain.

Mama gave her a quick glance, then said, “Just a note, should there be any questions.”

“That is very kind of you, Mama, but I’m sure it won’t be needed.”

“One never knows. Now, you best go.” She sighed. “Take care of my girl, Captain.”
