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Your loving Mama

She glanced up, saw the regard in his eyes. “Did you ask her to write such things?”

Surprised hurt filled his features. “I have no idea what she wrote,” he said quietly.

Chagrin bloomed. “Forgive me.”


She studied him, saw the man behind the uniform,knewthis man would always hold his word, would always forgive, always protect, always serve.

Always love.

And now, with her mother’s blessing, why did she still hesitate?

“Darling Theo, when you look at me so, it fills my heart with misgiving. If your mother’s words were not of approval, then tell me so at once. But if she does view this as a good match, then say you’ll marry me. Please.”

“She approves,” she said, knowing an almost overpowering sense of shyness.

“Then my heart clings to hope that you will too.”

Could this be truly happening?

“If you’d prefer to wait, to be married by Mr. Crouch in front of your friends and neighbors and not have such a scandal attached to your name, then I can wait. It may be quite some time. I must return to London and cannot stay for banns reading now.” His lips tweaked ruefully. “I fear it only fair to tell you that my visit to Whitehall may see my immediate return to war, and I might not return this way again for quite some time.”

And he could die. And this grasp at happiness would be forever lost.

“My dear.” He stroked her blemished cheek. “Do not look forlorn.”

But she could not help the wild imaginings, the practical considerations. “What about Becky?”

“I had thought of a most suitable companion for her, someone with a joyous heart and hair the color of fire, but if she says nay, then my aunt Louisa will have to do.”

She could keep the companion she so enjoyed? “And you would truly allow my mother to live with us?”

“I quite like your mother.”

“Where would we live?”

“That, too, could be your choice. I have my parents’ small cottage in Wiltshire, or we could rent or even buy a small place somewhere else. I’ve heard that a recently refurbished manor could be available soon. If one wanted to continue to live in the neighborhood.”

Heat radiated through her chest, stealing her breath. So he trulyhadremodeled Mannering with her in mind? That would mean his hopes for a future with her extended far beyond the whim of a day or so. But to live at Mannering and be forced to endure the stings and sneers of those she’d always thought were her friends? “I—”

A knock interrupted her, and the door swung wider to reveal the man from before. “Excuse me for bothering thee, but if ye have anything further to say, ye may want to get it said in a hurry. For unless my ears be deceiving me, I hear the jangle of another carriage approaching.”

Her breath caught. She turned to the captain. “Do you think it is Becky?”

“I rather doubt it. Actually, about that—” He moved to the window, peered past the ruffled curtain. Drew in a breath.

“Is it my grandfather?”

“There be a carriage pulling in!” called another man.

“I’m afraid so, yes.” The captain grasped her hand. “And—”

“Oh!” Panic whirled around her and within. “He has come after us! He will wish to take me back! He won’t bother trying to understand we thought Becky was here.”

“Probably not.” He smiled.
