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Eventually he drew back for breath, saw the unsteady rise and fall of her chest, and from the stars in her eyes, knew she felt as he did.

“That’s it, then?” the general demanded. “The deed be done and they are truly wed?”

“Aye, as true and as legal as in any English church.” The Scotsman winked. “Just one more act needed to seal the deal, as it were.”

Daniel cleared his throat.

His wife’s stricken swain shook his head. “I cannot believe you would hive off in such a fashion, Theo!”

“A brave lassie, she be,” the Scotsman said with a grin.

“A Trojan, indeed,” Daniel murmured, squeezing her hand.

Her silvery laugh floated on the air.

“You are sure about this, Theo? Nobody need know, and you could return with me now,” young Bellingham implored.

“Thank you for your concern, but I’m extremely sure.”

“But he’s a soldier!”

“One of England’s finest, or so everyone has been saying for months.”

“Youaresure about him?” The general spoke with lowered brow.

“I wouldn’t have married him if I wasn’t.” She drew close to Daniel again. “Really, Grandfather, you cannot think I would marry someone without being sure of him? I am neither a green girl nor a fool. Besides, imagine the scandal if I returned from such a shocking adventure unwed.” She mock-gasped. “Can you imagine what Mrs. Cleever might say?”

Her grandfather nodded. “Which is why I came to make sure you followed through.”

“What?” Frederick turned startled eyes to the general. “I thought you came to stop the wedding.”

The general shrugged. “I cannot be responsible for what you might’ve thought.”

Theo stilled, gaze shifting from her grandfather to Daniel then back again. “How did—? We came to stop Becky.”

“Ah.” The general blew out a breath. Looked at Daniel. “You haven’t told her yet?”

“Told me what?” She faced him, questioningly.

His stomach tightened. “What I tried to say before about Becky.”

“Do you think she will dislike our union?” Theo quavered.

“Oh no. I know that she approves.”

She blinked. “She knew you were going to propose?”

“Actually …”

“Did she tell you this before she ran away?”

“About that—”

“For a girl who claims not to be green, you can be awfully blind.” The general emphasized his acerbity with a snort.

“I beg your pardon?” His new wife looked at Daniel. “What is he talking about?”

He sighed. “Becky didn’t run away.”
