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She peeked at him, then instantly glanced away when she noticed his gaze. “May I offer you a ride back to Stapleton Court, ma’am?”

“You wish to see Becky now?”

“Yes. I think it only best. Even if she has no wish to see me.” He held out a hand.

She glanced at it uncertainly.

“Please, Miss Stapleton, do me the honor. A true gentleman could not abandon a lady to walk alone.”

“I am prepared to overlook such things if you will.”

“But I cannot. Please.”

After another moment’s hesitation, she assented, accepting his hand as she climbed onto the gig beside him, and thanking him for the courtesy.

He snapped the reins. “You must forgive my curiosity, but is it common for young ladies to walk these parts unescorted?”

“Very common. I’m surprised you feel the need to mention it, as it is so common that you must have encountered many such sights today.”

His lips twitched, and he wondered at himself not for the first time in the past half hour. How could he jest on the day when he’d learned of his sister’s death?

Perhaps it was the travel-induced weariness that banished proper emotions and self-control.

“You are sure my niece has little wish to see me?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“Hmm. I must own to a degree of apprehension at seeing her once more as well.”

“Do not fear, sir. Rebecca may be young, but she does not bite.”

“I am most relieved.”

The gig dipped into a large, muddied hole, bumping her shoulder against his.

“Please forgive my clumsy driving. It’s been a while, I must confess.”

The gig gave another alarming creak.

“Tell me, Miss Stapleton, why does my niece hold me in aversion?”

She sighed. “I cannot be rightly sure, but I suspect her father poisoned her against you.”

“I never could understand what Clara saw in him,” he muttered.

“Nor I.”

He glanced at her.

She hurried on. “Forgive me for speaking on what must be private family matters, but it is something the local community has often discussed. Dear Clara was such a sweet and gentle thing.”

“Too good for the likes of him.”


He felt her gaze glide along his skin. “What is it, Miss Stapleton?”
