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“Oh, but …”

“I know it is your home, and we can make a new home in London.”

“Are you going to live there?”

“When my duties permit.”

Her countenance fell. “Will I have to live with an elderly relation I have never met?”

Like his aunt Louisa, whom he had tentatively sounded out about moving to London to care for his sister and his young niece. “Better that than abusing the hospitality of those who might be excellent neighbors but are not our kin.”

She nodded, eyes refusing to meet his, and he knew a twist of regret that his plans were so vague and obviously did not meet with her approval.

The door opened, and Miss Stapleton returned, her kind smile a balm to the churn of his emotions burning within. “I trust I am not intruding, but Captain Balfour, I hope you will do us the honor of sharing our meal tonight. Alas, it will not be a turtle dinner, but I hope our meagre offerings will suffice.”

“What? No turtles?” Warmth lit his chest at her soft chuckle, while Rebecca glanced between them as if unsure what to think. “I gladly accept, thank you. If you can promise me there will be no Venetian breakfast either.”

“I can safely assure you there will be none.”

“Then I best return to Mannering so I can finally wash off some of the travel dirt and grime. After the news I felt to come here immediately.”

“Oh, we do not stand on ceremony here, sir.”

“You may not, but I suspect General Stapleton may, and I have no desire to incur the wrath of that man.”

Her smile grew knowing as she looked at his niece. “It is a hard thing, is it not, Becky? Here we were assured of his heroism, of his immense courage, only to be so sadly let down. Ah well. It would seem life is full of disappointments.”

He grinned. “Thank you, madam. I am quite content to live below heroic status.”

Her gaze met his and they shared a smile, one that seemed full of understanding.

“We shall eat at six,” she said. “I trust you will remember the way home?”

Home. A concept he had never really known, at least not since the age of sixteen, when he had left his parents’ small cottage in Wiltshire, at the opposite end of England, and joined the army.

Becky quietly excused herself, Miss Stapleton’s tease apparently only wringing the smallest distraction from her moroseness.

“I fear my niece is not happy with me,” he said, once the door was safely closed.

“No, and yet that is hardly a surprise. She has had a lot to come to terms with in recent weeks and months, and the thought of yet more change will likely be even more daunting. But if I may encourage you, sir, she seems far more accepting of you and more kindly disposed toward you than what has previously been expressed.”

“That is something, I suppose. I shall continue to trust God that He will soften her heart.”

“As will I. Now, before she returns, I wanted to ask you what your plans were regarding Mannering’s servants.” Miss Stapleton clasped her hands as she stood before the crackling flames of the fireplace. “Mr. Cleever advised they should remain, at least for the interim. Janet and Ian are good sorts, loyal, if inclined to idleness at times. They can be trusted to keep their mouths closed, but should you encounter anyone else, you may want to consider whether you will be ready for invitations to dinners and parties galore.”

“Those turtle dinners?”

Her lips lifted, and he was privileged to see the appearance of two small dimples. “I confess that I have never tasted one. Obviously I don’t associate in the same hallowed circles as do you, sir.”

“I have eaten turtle once and must plead my low standards—I thought it tasted like chicken.”

“Another sad disappointment, then.”

“Exactly so.” Another moment lit with accord seemed to pass between them. “So, you are advising me to maintain my non-captaincy persona?”

“Unless you feel ready for the onslaught of invitations destined to come your way, then perhaps yes, that would be best. Especially if you only plan a short stay in these parts. Although it will be considered quite cruel of you to have visited and the villagers discover later you had been here without a word of recognition.” She studied him with her head tilted on one side.

